
  1. First, I can’t believe that the present Mayor wants to add an assistant BA? What about our BA that we have now? Why doesn’t he work full-time for Belmar, then he wouldn’t need an assistant. We are paying him a full-time salary! I’m all for bringing the old administration back. No one realized what a great job the previous administration did until they were gone.

    I’m sorry to say, but this present Mayor is in over his head.

    1. Within the workshop there were questions about 12th & Main, which is as contaminated as some of us thought it would be. “The contamination is larger than originally anticipated. Due diligence was not performed on the front end of this prior to purchasing that property.” Shocker, right? I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong, Councilwoman Kinney was part of the admin that approved that purchase. It was very early in her tenure, so I do not remember if she voted to approve or not. Either way, that $300,000 in escrow is most likely gone, so how much will it actually cost to clean up the site, one we already paid $1.2 million for to the previous BA’s family member? Or do we sell for pennies to the next schlub who wants to take on the cleanup?

      Not to mention the drama and continuing debacle with the first aid squad.

      Both thanks to the “great job the previous administration did”.

      I do however agree that the current mayor does not know how to handle the job, or people, despite his many years of yada yada yada and spouting his resume at us. One term and done. Where else can you get two part-time BA’s for the price of two full-time BA’s!

      (Belmar Council Meeting February 15, 2022 – Everyone voted Yes
      Start listening at minute 30, Editor.)

      1. in 2022, the property @ 12th & Main was a bargain for $1.2 million, but now that the Borough allowed the contaminate plume to migrate for 3 years … apparently off-property … ouch!

        1. I agree… they deliberately let the plume grow … what’s the saying “cut their nose to spite their face” ? They wanted to do everything opposite of the previous admin neglecting the residents.

          This methodology is what our president tried to pull off. I think they realized you can’t run anything out of hate. Hate will lose and it shows in this mayor’s absolute fails.

        2. Belmar Auto Service started operating at that location in 1989. While the plume may have spread a bit further, it has probably been there for much longer than the last three years, and most likely had been off-property when it was purchased.

          1. ground water travels quickly in Belmar’s sandy sub-soil … my wellpoint is 50ft below grade and delivers > 200 gph.

        3. Gene, 12th and Main was not a bargain at $1.2M. As you know, NJ had the property listed as a hazardous site.
          I thought $250K was put in escrow for clean up. But where did that $ come from, Belmar paid the owner that amount. The property is an odd size lot and is less than 2 lots (a lot in a single family zone typically is 7,500 sqft or 50′ by 150′). For example, the 3 lots at 9th and D St (former First Aid) sold for $1.5M. This location is more desirable than the contaminated 12th and Main Property. Even so, less than 2 lots should have been under $1M and the previous owner should have paid all the clean up cost.

          1. I would still buy this property in a heart beat! Every thing can get cleaned up! You just have to want to do it!!

          2. location, location, location
            the AMOCO station didn’t flood during Sandy and was accessible … BFAS wasn’t.

          3. Correct! The property had been listed for $1.5 for THREE YEARS. Lot size is 11,750 (smaller than 2 typical 50 x 150 lots). I’d say the actual value for a contaminated property of that size in that location is about $500,000. Main St. values in 2022 were about the same as they are now.

  2. The original Agenda post for this meeting has been amended,

    The ordinance document shows the salary range for these positions, whether or not Belmar has people in those positions. We do not have people in all those positions.

    The Schedule A and C documents show salary information for positions Belmar actually has.

  3. Maybe the mayor’s “personal assistant “ John Walsh who sits around all day can be the BA’s assistant also. At least it’ll give him something to do.

  4. That was an interesting meeting. A little infighting. My suggestion is to have our BA start spending more time being OUR BA instead of being the mayor of Freehold.

  5. Borough Code Chapter 3 defines the BA job…

    There is hereby established the Department of Administration, the head of which shall be the Borough Administrator, in whose absence or by virtue of no appointment having been made the Mayor shall perform the duties, and he or she shall assist the Mayor in supervising and directing all departments of the Borough and shall specifically oversee the following offices and divisions, as well as provide support services for the Mayor and Borough Council:
    Office of Borough Attorney.
    Office of Borough Engineer.
    Municipal Court (See § 3-5, Municipal Court)
    The following agencies, boards, commissions and committees (for administration and coordination purposes); Board of Adjustment, Municipal Coordinators on Aging, Senior Citizen Information and Referral Program Coordinators, Community Development Program Representative, Environmental Commission, Local Assistance Board, Planning Board, Shade Tree Committee, representatives to the South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority, the Belmar Housing Authority, and similar agencies, boards, commissions and committees.

    1. The Mayor suggests to spend, spend, spend on payroll with additional staffing… on the tax payers dime… and I’m wondering… how was the town run over the past thirty years, since I lived here with the same job positions?

      Watch the meeting… you will be astonished and choke listening to the word salads…

  6. Well, if the Union Firehouse is closed, can that building be used by EMS for the emergency vehicle rigs, equipment and to station the EMTs? The current location at the Lake Como firehouse has a limited life. Lake Como plans to sell that property for redevelopment and relocate their Municipal Complex to a new build on 18th Ave.
    The 12th and Main, hazardous waste site, does not have much of a future.

    1. The Belmar Water Rescue Team, which was housed in the old South Belmar First Aid building on 18th Ave was torn down last year. Now our truck, boat, ski and equipment is scattered about in Lake Como’s old police station which is soon to be torn down. The mayor and council better come up with a plan soon to house these vital rescue teams soon!

  7. I’ve watched the meeting from December 10, and as a resident of Belmar, I am extremely concerned about how dysfunctional the Mayor and BA are, and how disconnected the leadership is with the council and lawyers. This is absolutely disheartening to watch. If anyone is reading this I recommend you watch to see what is happening here. I feel like my property value is lowering every time someone speaks.

  8. I’ve been in Belmar for over 50 years and for the longest time we were able to run the town with a Mayor and Commissioner/Council form of government, the police chief, head of the DPW and a borough clerk.

    The town was cleaner, roads were maintained with few empty store fronts.

    We’re a one square mile town and the level of bureaucracy we have now is beyond belief.

    And now, the current administration wants to add to it.

  9. One of the most vocal residents at previous meetings who questioned everything and thought he knew how to run this town better than anyone is now the current mayor. A know nothing, rude and incompetent “mayor”.

  10. How many more surf camps do we need? I already have to be inconvenienced on my beach over the summer by all of these kids. 5th Avenue is taken over by almost 100 kids every week day of the summer, then you have junior guards on 6th and surf camp on 2nd?

    Instead of more camps and people, how about this administration figure out how to have a bathroom on 3rd Ave.

    It’s mayhem on the north end already. Do the surf camps provide their own lifeguards and/or do they add money to the payroll for more lifeguards to be added to staff. Nearly 500 more kids in the water everyday over the summer between these camps…

    I commend the chief lifeguard and staff for handling so effectively everything they face every day over the Summer. They are true heroes. It’s not just saving lives, it’s helping people with their needs and disabilities, information and lost children.

    The administration doesn’t acknowledge this team of heroes enough.

  11. The former BA had an assistant. She is still employed by the Borough as she has other duties. The current BA is choosing not to utilize the assistant he already has. I see no reason to hire a “deputy BA”, something the town has never needed until Mr. Kane was appointed.

    Perhaps Mr. Kane should be focusing on things other than a piano and Freehold. And perhaps the mayor should try to be a little nicer and more mature. He seems to need a lot of help being a mayor, and he isn’t going to get it with his current attitude. As a resident, tax payer and voter in town, I really am regretting my vote, and I look forward to a new administration.

  12. Belmar needs a Mayor and council that believes better is less. Less hiring and more doing. This guy is out of control.
    Surf camps are a nuisance to paying citizens.

          1. LHD

  13. What the???? This mayor & part time BA making a full time salary have to go. First of all the mayor is a ****### who can’t even understand how boat slip rentals work. Then add in the fact that he sneaks in this position to help the BA after the agenda is posted is mind boggling. He’s so transparent lol. What a con artist but then he was in the Jersey City dirty politics mix was he not?

  14. Does anyone have any questions about the salary ordinance? Or just me?
    What are they “slipping” through? It’s like Eddie 2.0, how did we vote them in for change and settle for the same game? Do explain.

  15. The boat slip comments are hilarious.

    The mayor’s inexperience and lack of knowledge are shining bright.

    If I drive a semi truck can I take up multiple spaces on ocean ave and pay the cost of a single parking spit. NO.

    Larger boats cause much more wear and tear to the docks. They can also cause us to have to dredge the slips more often.

    (Deleted by Editor.)

      1. Very insensitive Mr Creamer.
        A young woman was brutally murdered and her body was thrown from the Rt 35 Bridge. An extensive search was not successful.
        (Editor, I’m surprised that you posted these comments about Sarah Stern. What’s the point? State and local police along with volunteers spent extended time searching the inlet and surrounding marina’s.)

        1. But yet she will block any comments about local politics and those involved if it does not fit her narrative. Stupid Blog!

      2. I am very disappointed in Mr. Creamer making this comment she was a young woman who was from our neighboring community that was brutally murdered, if you want to make a classless joke do it in private not on a public forum and for the administrator of this blog that censures everything on this blog this should not have gotten past you.

  16. I think the surf camp and the day camp are great additions to Belmar. Being at the beach and in the ocean is a great place for children to learn how to be safe on the beach and how to handle themselves in the Ocean SAFELY and can help to prevent future tragedies. If the noise of the children bothers you then move 100 feet down the beach.

    Summertime Surf is a very successful small business started in Belmar with its offices in Belmar and satellite schools in Asbury, Bradley Beach and Bay Head. Bradley Beach actually brought back weekly badges to accommodate the campers’ parents who love to come watch the children surf and learn water safety.

    It would be extremely short sighted to not allow the Surf Camp to continue in Belmar so that children in New Jersey can learn to appreciate the Ocean the way we all do.

  17. Ed L you are misguided. That camp is just a business. Let the children join jr guards to really learn about ocean safety

  18. The surf camp is something all Belmar residents should be proud of. In an era of children glued to their electronics, this provides children(and some adult classes) a chance to take in the beauty of the Atlantic. Yes, it is a business and a very well run one at that. If you get a chance to see the operation you will quickly notice this is not a baby sitting service that happens to have a few surfboards around. The instructor’s teach respect, safety, and love for nature. This is one business in town that should be put in the “what makes Belmar great” category and hope for their continued success. No financial interest here, I just think it’s an amazing addition to our town.

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