
  1. I cannot believe that the new website is devoid of the Belmar Wave Logo, designed by Susanne Anan. It is a shame that the current administration chose to remove the logo without constituent discussion/approval. So much for transparency!

    1. Well, hopefully it was an oversight. It’s not too late, they can add it back in at any time. I’m sure they will see that the town wants it back on the website. I know I do.

  2. While I too liked the wave logo (if you recall it was not well received by the republicans when it was unveiled), I don’t need the town to ask my permission to change the website. Yes, I want transparency as much as anyone but some of the day to day decisions made by our little town council can be made without time consuming deliberation. It’s just a website.

    1. it is my understanding the Belmar wave logo is copyright … having it on a website makes it easy to digital copy and reproduce for clothing, towels, flags, etc.

      1. The whole idea to copyright something is to deter unlawful use. The logo was not removed because of copyright. The town has a shared agreement with the artist/copyright holder to use the logo at will on anything town related. After all the town is known and identified by the wave logo since 2013. The town seal is from 150 years ago and resurfaced during the previous administration to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Belmar.

  3. Why would they not use the wave logo? I always thought it was coolest logo of any shore town. Susanne Anan is a world famous renowned artist who we are fortunate to have living in our town!
    Isn’t Jerry her neighbor? I don’t get it but then again I don’t get anything this administration does.

  4. Wave Hello, the wave logo was first unveiled by the Dirty Doherty administration. The Walsifer Republican administration embraced the wave logo throughout their term. Look at the Howard Rowland Building, town clock at 10th & Main Street, and so on. So not sure what you’re talking about saying it was not well received? Yes, the town can change a website and use or not use a logo without deliberation but having someone so special in the world of art living in our town and designing our logo makes it that much more special.

    1. It was not well received because there is always someone to complain about something. Literally what’s happening with this post right now.
      Check the old “common sense” posts when the wave was revealed. Mucho complaints: “cost, it looks cartoonish, bad taste after Sandy, how much is Doherty benefitting” . It was a ton of negativity I’m a little surprised you don’t remember.
      Anyway, it is indicative of the electorate. It’s like watching a tennis match how one side hates something now embraces it. The very people who hated the wave will now be indignant over it’s not being used on the website.

      1. I only remember that the logo was loved by everyone. The logo was spread across the town after hurricane Sandy ruined everything. It was a fresh start for everyone. And it was well received. It was a great sign to show that we could get through anything as a community. It showed positivity.

        The fact that this mayor is ruining everything, from the un maintained streets, to the lake, to the marina, maybe it’s a sign of the times and we will bring it back after he is gone like the wind.

        1. It was not. Check the old comments from the blogs predecessor. Nothing Doherty did was “loved by all”.
          The previous mayor managed to get one street paved during his tenure. Yet the town’s property values continue to rise to unprecedented levels. Belmar has been blooming since former mayor Pringle made real changes back in the day. You want a new mayor, you may get one. But the last one was less effective than this one, so you may continue to complain.

          (Asterisks in name are mine, Editor.)

  5. The wave logo was originally intended to be used by tourism and the chamber of commerce after Sandy. Suzanne Anan holds the trademark and copyright license, while the Walsifer administration signed an agreement with her in 2022 for its use at a one time cost of $10 (Resolution No. 2022-225). That allows us to use the wave logo across departments.

    The logo on the new website is the boro’s official government seal, the same one on the wall in the courtroom. Since the website is an official government entity, the seal is appropriate for use.

    Honestly folks, go find a hobby. Aren’t you tired of being angry all the time?

    1. Thank you for the much needed level headedness.
      People in this town are like ******* ******* **** when it comes to finding things to complain about. Half of them hated the wave logo when it was released. It’s like everyone gets stricken with amnesia every few years.

      (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

    2. I don’t think it’s anger. The mayor ran on transparency and has not been transparent. We don’t know what the reason was for redesigning the website, but we do know that they brought everything over from the last website except the wave logo. People are disappointed. I understand that and I am disappointed too.

    3. Are you on LSD? Who cares about what was written on this blog years ago. We are talking about the here and now! The fact of the matter is he took away our beloved logo without anyone’s permission and yes, I guess he can do this, but the whole idea is to promote the town, not drag it down the rabbit hole. We are paying tons of taxes to have a beautiful town! Let’s start seeing where the money is being spent.

      1. They don’t need our permission for every single minor detail. The old website was horrific and difficult to navigate and needed an update. This one is a marked improvement, albeit not perfect. The wave logo is used literally EVERYWHERE ELSE IN TOWN. It’s even right there, large and in charge on Taylor Pavilion. The seal is official government business, as is the website. They sell flags with the wave logo at Taylor Hardware, go buy one.

        1. Well, unfortunately, they rolled everything from the old website onto the new website, except the BELMAR logo. Was this intentional? An intentional move by the mayor? Otherwise, who else approved it? The council didn’t even know about it? What was the purpose of changing the website if they were going to drag everything over except the logo? Who is managing the creation of the website and what was the cost? These are all the things that the mayor professed before he was elected that he was going to be transparent. I’m starting to believe that the people who cry the most are hiding the most. He has been complete opposite of transparent to our chagrin.

      2. If you were asked to be involved in every single minute detail of town business, you’d complain that the mayor was incompetent.
        Sometimes you can’t win.
        And it matters what was written in the blog years ago because I guarantee you the same people freaking out about the logos removal, are the exact same people that hated it when it was unveiled. Pointing out blatant hypocrisy always stands the test of time.

  6. I am hoping the mayor finds the money, since he can find the money for other things, to preserve the BELMAR pavilion. The BELMAR logo is peeling off and it looks unsightly. I hope that he finds the time to make the BELMAR pavilion as beautiful as the Howard Rowland building. It looks like a different technique and it won’t peel off. Let’s face it. We’re paying tons of money for taxes, he should consider making the town more beautiful. First off preserve what we have. Clean it up, freshen it up. Give us our money’s worth.

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