
  1. You can thank Democratic Governor Murphy for allowing teens to do whatever they want, whenever they want and to whoever they want with NO accountability! Democrats cater to the wrong people

    1. Please explain how the governor (any governor for that matter) is responsible for teens doing “what they want whenever they want to whoever they want”. Are you suggesting that it is the government’s job to raise children? Talk about abdicating responsibility, sheesh.
      I’ll make it easy for you- please provide one single example of how the governor is responsible for what you describe.

      1. Guess you didn’t listen to the meeting and Chief Scott explaining the law that was passed in 2021 regarding juveniles. Need a reminder of who the Governor was then and is now? I highly suggest you take a look and perhaps watch the council meeting…..can’t dumb it down anymore for you

      2. You obviously haven’t watched the video of the council meeting, so it’s strange that you chose to comment here. I’d recommend watching the video and learning about N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15.

      3. I would love to know who you are, you write so boldly but yet you do not post your name. You are confident, and arrogant and yet you do not have the ***** to post your name why? What do you have to hide, do you work for the town of BELMAR?

        (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

        1. Hahaha. I love you guys.
          Wow, struck a nerve.
          1) I am assuming that none of you know how laws are passed? Hint: the governor (any governor) doesn’t create laws, they sign them into law after the state legislature creates them, then votes on them. I hope that is dumbed down enough. This particular law was passed by referendum (that’s when the public votes) by a 67% majority. But hey, you wanna blame the governor instead of the ineffectual parents that probably bought the booze for their spoiled little monsters in the first place, go right ahead.
          2) This is a parade problem, not a government problem. This ridiculously stupid parade has been a seen of obnoxious behavior and underage drinking for 52 years. The law you guys are all clutching your pearls over is the basically the same way underage drinkers were handled when I was doing it back in the early 80s. Roused, booze taken, parents notified, sent home. That’s it.
          What, do you all want the literally 100s of underage kids that show up and get lit for the parade to be put in our little jail? Hahaha. So you DO want the government to raise your kids? Under age kids have been sneaking booze since, well, since booze was invented. Even when the age was 18. So, instead of having PARENTS maybe keep tabs on their little brats, you would all prefer the state to be in charge of that? One sure fire way to solve the problem that was discussed at this meeting, stop having the parade. Heaven forbid.
          “Why”- yes I don’t put my name (not one of the commenters on my post put their name either. Including you). No, I don’t work for the town. I have, and you have, a right to privacy.
          I just get sick and tired of hearing folks that philosophically want smaller government while also expecting government to solve all their problems. It’s annoying frankly.
          Hope that answers your question.

          1. Open your eyes- the video of the council meeting and the comments that followed were all related to the underage drinking at the parade specifically. Do I think it’s the only time it happens? Well, since I pointed out that underage kids have been sneaking booze since the dawn of time, no I don’t think it’s the only time it happens. Nevertheless, as a parent, I think we should expect more from the parents than we do from the police. They have enough to contend with without having to lock up little Suzy for sneaking a white claw.
            But if you want to have the state in charge of these kids, that’s your prerogative. Personally, I think THATS laughable.

          2. Hiding your own name with the word hypocrite, is quite possible the best example of irony in the history of the English language.
            Thank you for that.

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