
  1. So Mr Buccafusco ( who is running for council) is telling us that he would not give a property owner the ability to present a proposal if HE doesn’t like it? Is that even legal? Is that within the purview of a council person’s duties?
    Don’t people go in front of planning and zoning with their applications that do not comply? Isn’t that the point of the boards and the council?
    Below is his quote:

    “What I don’t want to see, and what I don’t think a lot of people want to see, is a huge complex that doesn’t comply [and] doesn’t fit in with the atmosphere of the town,” he said. “I think the problem is they [borough officials] talk to these developers knowing full well the plans don’t comply.”

    So again, what Mr Buccafusco is implying is that if you a a property owner you do not have the right to present a plan to the legal boards if he doesn’t like it. No due process. Humm. Interesting coming from an attorney running for a public office.

  2. Marina View Towers are literally across the street from the proposed apartments. They are sold out and if available sell quickly.
    Why did the developers say that condos would not sell then? Surely newer condos would sell.
    Seems suspicious and more vested condo owning residents are preferable to apartments.

  3. To number ones point. Going before the planning board for an extension on your patio or something similar is normal. This is a a complete above average transformation. Mr Buccafusco is correct. Al the owners teamed up to sell their property? Ridiculous proposal.

  4. #4. The properties are owned by one owner.

    #5. Your right. is a lazy man’s way of getting a lot of out of town signatures.

    I still think this project is too large and would like to see some condos or a hotel but would be willing to hear some compromise.

  5. It’s not that Mr Buccafusco is against the project. He has every right to not like it and speak his opinion.
    It’s the last sentence of his quote that shows how he is using it as a dividing tool for his run for office!

    “I think the problem is they ( the borough officials) talk to these developers knowing full well the plans don’t comply.”

    So what? The borough should not allow developers with legitimate requests of projects to present? Not sure that’s even ethical or legal.

    If he were to gain a seat on the council, he too would have to allow developers the right to present plans for projects. Because that’s the way things are. Developers are allowed to present and go through proper channels to try to get approval for any given project.

    It’s not his dislike of the proposal that bothers me. It’s the insinuation that the Borough officials are in on some clandestine deal making. I see transparency not some back room shuffle.

  6. #9- So the council should have to listen to ANY asinine project they get a telephone call about?? How bout a $100M 18 story hotel or the like?
    The proposed project doesn’t look that bad. The problem I have is that these wealthy prospectors seem to ALWAYS push the envelope on their demands for variants. I would like to see a rule that only allows projects under the amount of say $1M are allowed to ask for relief from a towns zoning laws. These prospectors push and push all in the name of the almighty dollars with little care for the thoughts and visions the town folk may have in writing. And very little in concerns for the quality of living that may exist in a town. Little for infrastructure, roads, water, sewer, school systems, public works and the impact they may cause. I’ve always thought that variances should be for say, the little guy that wants an extra three feet added to a deck. Or the widening of a driveway. Or adding a second floor on an existing home to increase it’s value and to keep that long time resident added room to remain in Belmar. Enough is enough with all this over the top development.

  7. The Repetti project is the infancy stage. Give them a chance to enhance Belmar at the hidden gem, the Marina! I’d live there. Cheaper than the E & S.

  8. Jersey City like PROJECTS at the Marina vs 12th Avenue Heroin Inn would make so many losers happy and so many more government policing jobs in Belmar.

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