Purchase details – 1200 Main Street – Belmar Auto Property

These documents are from January, 2022.
This first document concerns clean-up of the property,
$300,000 held in escrow “in order to abate any existing contamination on site”.

Click this image to enlarge the Escrow Agreement

Click this image to enlarge the Purchase Agreement


  1. I must say the bank project at 9th and Main is too big! It’s a monstrosity ruining our small town charm. Three storieS would have been easier to swallow.

  2. The environmental study reveals significant contamination. Approximate cost for remediation $250,000
    Great find. It will be a money pit.

  3. I’m just here for the comments as Election time is upon us. Let us remember all that has happened these past few years. Boatgate, ****** ***** ** * ***** *** **** ******* *****, loss of our first aid, loss of kid’s activities, senior activities, senior lunches, bus trips, the fiasco at the senior building just to name a few. The list could go on, yet I can guarantee you they will be elected back in. And that’s when the real fun will begin.

    These people get paid way too much and on top of six figure salaries they have been given take home vehicles for many employees which is unnecessary. Why should a Borough Administrator have a take home car? Why should the DPW employees have take home vehicles? Why should Code Enforcement have take home vehicles? And we are the ones paying for it.

    Has anyone been in Town Hall lately? Skelton staff at best, with a huge turn around and forced retirements.

    It’s a shame what we have allowed for all of these years. We want our small town back, yet with every passing day big buildings are being constructed.

    With all of this said, our only hope is voting for the three names in the democratic column this November. Hopefully they will bring back a little bit of the small town charm.

  4. This is a huge risk. If there is significant contamination on the site it certainly extends to the adjoining property. Who pays then?

  5. The project is net excavation design … below grade building space construction … existing soils will be trucked away

  6. #8 Well if the seller pays it is a good thing the agreed upon price is so high! Then they will have money to pay for the cleanup!

  7. #1 Has anyone else noticed that the building on 9th extends cantilevered over the existing sidewalk? Wouldn’t that violate setbacks? To see what I mean stand in the plaza and look down at the sided of the building where the existing curb and sidewalk are.

  8. Eugene Creamer they will continue to naysay everything just to be oppositional regardless of your proven expertise.

  9. Why is this administration so untouchable? Serious question, how is it possible?
    And a question for the democrats Buccafusco, Rondinaro & Levis what are your intentions? How will you make changes for us. Will you expose the current administrations coverups? Will you save us of exploding salaries, take home vehicles, **** **** *****, bullying of our residents? Will you bring back senior parties, bus trips and other activities? Will you provide more support and guidance to our recreation department? Will you address our current infrastructure problems? Will you slow down the big developments in town? If elected what would be the first project you would take on and why?

  10. To 15
    Mr Creamer has no idea what the extent of the contamination is. Maybe $300 grand will be enough and maybe not. Either way the taxpayers will be on the hook.

  11. So the Walsifer admin could have come up with $80k to keep the old first aid afloat. We had a building and land already there. Instead they want to pay millions of dollars on land and a building to house a NEW first aid. On top of all that, the town is going to run the first aid? Hahahaha
    Well I hope the ********* *** that gets added (and we pay for) to the new building is up to Eddie’s standards.
    Vote. Them. Out. Halt this insane money grab and contract the first aid for this town. What have we been doing since the 9th Ave location closed? Whatever it is, keep doing it.

  12. What the mayor doesn’t mention in his newsletter is the 2.4million dollar operating budget. Not including the 12th and main site. Which is a horrible place for such an operation. That is the busiest intersection in Belmar.

  13. #23 Listen, sure the town could have paid the $80k it would have taken for the EMS to keep operating. And yea, maybe we’d have to pay them another $80k every couple of years. But it makes so much more sense to spend hundreds of thousands on a piece of property with an unknown amount of required remediation, from the family of the town’s business administrator. Then spend another 100k on prepping the site. Then spend a couple million in building the structure. Then spend millions operating it.

    For those keeping score at home, that’s about $80k a year for the next 60 years. Can someone explain how it was a good idea for this admin to get into a petty argument with the former first aid operators? It will cost us.

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