Mr. DeSantis is the Executive Director of the Housing Authority
Janis Keown-Blackburn is a former Belmar Councilwoman
Welcome to The Belmar Blog
Mr. DeSantis is the Executive Director of the Housing Authority
Janis Keown-Blackburn is a former Belmar Councilwoman
Haha. Wow that Desantis letter is kinda funny. I guess the only question is, why on earth didn’t he go through that explanation at the meeting? Why, if all of that is true, did they all have blank expressions and not have any explanation? Why wait this long to explain? And the personal insults aren’t really befitting a guy that is the Executive Director of the housing authority. Not exactly the temperament you’d want for someone in that position.
Thinking about the jeopardy our residents will be facing from those believing the Mcdirty sponsored insurgents this November is, Halloween frightening, to say the least.
So many of our good, nonpartisan
citizens, and residents fought the good fight against the McDirty cabinet and his hopelessly mislead followers for years. Remember three selfless idealists ultimately won in Superior Court protecting the taxpayer over and over again. Now this election is vital for Belmar because we cannot afford, in 2022, to be subject to more Mcdirty like misrepresentations, smoke and mirrors and freebee lies all over again. Please, we just cannot allow it to happen to our town again. It’s clear that progress is being made daily in Belmar. Just open your eyes for yourself, drive around. We made it through Covid, let’s not go backward with a recession rearing its ugly head in our direction. Tightening our collective belts is in store. We didn’t allow Covid to destroy us so don’t let falsehoods sway you. It’s up to you, you will make a difference.
Agree with #1. Mr Desantis, please provide to the admin of this blog the log records showing that these generators were periodically tested as part of general maintenance or, if anything, just to make sure they work. Do you check on them monthly? Thanks
#2 Great speech. Unfortunately it’s all nonsense. No one fought to remove Matt, Colleen, Brian, and Jen from office more than me. I voted for Mark, and had such high hopes. The reality is that Mark is just Matt light. Eddie is worse than Colleen and Colleen was really bad.
These people don’t represent Matt nor are they some kind of straw man. It’s laughable. This current admin is a club for career public employees. This town is changing alright, changing for the worse. We need a mayor and council that listens to the people of Belmar.
And you can rest assured that if the new folks don’t live up to expectations, I’ll work to unseat them; regardless of party affiliation. We shouldn’t settle.
Nice letter Mr. Desantis
The argument that no one is “listening to the people” doesn’t hold up. Your up set because you believe all people feel as you do. Or the very vocal ones. There are many who feel differently. They may not stand up and say that publicly because they are intimidated by the rudeness if they do. That one woman and young man who spoke at the zoning meeting for the belmar Inn were yelled at and treated horribly from the crowd. The fact is she had a petition signed by 140 people who did want the project. And he to agreed with it. So I guess in your opinion those peoples opinions don’t count.
Very well said #6. You summed that up very nicely. This town has over 6000 residents and then a few people stand up at council meetings and planning board/zoning meetings and declare their opinions as the will of the entire community.
#6,7 that’s why we have elections. The question is, how many people feel we need a change. If it’s less than the amount of people who don’t feel we need a change, then the mayor wins. If not, he loses. Opinions are just that, opinions. They simultaneously matter and not matter. That’s life in a democratic form of government.
Why do you think there was a $ 1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollar) donation to Jerry’s campaign fund from Maggie Moran, Doherty’s X?
8. Bingo!!!!
#8 – What we see these days is not democracy. It is only a possibility of one gang misgoverning or another gang misgoverning. Our Republic is dead.
They wouldn’t
It” Mark Twain
9: isn’t Jerry’s $1000 donor, Maggie the “WEED Entrepreneuress” of the Jersey Shore? What will that mean for Jerry’s view of Belmar, soft?
#9 people can’t make donations? Maggie is a Democrat. She donates to democrats.
#11 Yes, we know. You hate America. Either move to another country or lend a hand. Plenty of us will help you pack.
#12 yes, Jerry can be bought for a thousand bucks. There will be a weed dispensary on every corner. Haha.
Jerry – come on record and say you’re against weed dispensaries in Belmar. The mayor already has. Will you?
#13- Interesting reply. As far as hating America, yes, I do hate what it’s become. The idea of America (the Republic) has been killed years ago. This has occurred because many of our so-called leaders over many years now have actually been traitors to the Constitution. I’m not innocent either. It took me far too long to figure out what is going on, for that, I apologize. All I can say in my defense is that I’m a slow learner (not an excuse).
Now I understand why it is so easy to fool people like yourself with these dumb “elections” and stupid “Covid” nonsense. You’re brainwashed by the TV and all the other gadgets you worship.
As far as leaving goes – “That’ll be the day.”
For a blog with libertarian leanings, these commenters seem to be relatively anti-freedom. I think if we are ok with liquor stores in town, why not a dispensary? We are either for personal freedom or we aren’t.
#14 herds of drunk idiots wandering around breaking into homes after being over served at the town bars is ok, but a marijuana dispensary isn’t? Excellent logic. My 85 yo mother smokes weed for nausea. I don’t think she’ll ever defecate in your outdoor shower.
#15 well at least you finally admit you hate America. It is amusing how you are certain that your analysis of the ‘republic’ is the right one. That’s called hubris. As for brain washing, I don’t own a TV. I don’t do any social media. This blog is the extent of my online activities. I read. A lot. You may be surprised to learn that there have been defeatists like you around since the beginning of this country. Through every challenge, every change, every social shift. There has, and will always be, the perennial nay sayer who believes he knows everything. Luckily for this great country, the visionaries ignore such petty distractions. And that is probably why you stay. Keep shouting into the wind my friend. The rest of us have work to do.
#17 – where in my question to Jerry did you read I was in favor of the bars? But I’m not an idiot and once you allow for it you can’t take it back. I would prefer a hard line against weed dispensaries and a dry town but I am also a realist. So for now let’s keep out the weed. #16 – I’m all for personal freedom but when weed smoke permeates into my yard every night and I have to explain what that smell is to my kids then it infringes my freedoms. Jerry takes money from a weed consultant and his silence in this subject is deafening.
#16 Bingo. People who scream about their freedoms are always happy to violate someone else’s. When they say freedom, it means only the things they want to do. The minute someone tries to enjoy their own freedom (marry a same sex partner, be trans, have an abortion, open a dispensary, kneel for the national anthem, mention slavery in a classroom, be an atheist, be gay, etc etc) they freak out and try to get the government to put a stop to it. Unfortunately, they can always find a pandering politician to oblige. It’s hypocrisy on full display. Personal freedom is personal freedom, as long as you’re not breaking the law.
#18 we can demand of our politicians to more strongly enforce existing laws to reduce the amount of damage done (both financial and reputationally)to this town by the disproportionate amount of bars. So, asking a candidate to come out against a marijuana dispensary, while requiring nothing against the gin mills, is the same as endorsing the bars.
As for the weed smoke coming into your yard…there is no dispensary in Belmar now so I don’t think that will change. However, you can always ask your neighbor to please take it inside. Another option is to do what I used to do when my kids would see a girl passed out on someone’s lawn, or a young man puking in some bushes, or a couple screaming obscenities at each other at 2am if front of my house, or a different couple trying to fornicate on the front of my neighbor’s car, or a blind drunk trying to get into my house because he can’t remember where he lives; use it as a teachable moment. You don’t want a dispensary in this town? That’s fine. Walsifer used it as a political stunt. Declaring He won’t allow such a thing in this town. All while turning a blind eye to degradation caused by the bars. If I had to choose between a dispensary and DJais? I’d take the dispensary every time.
Gentlemen – About the drugs. Drugs were legal in this country until the early 20th century. There was no reason to outlaw them. People have always used drug from the beginning of recorded history. The war on drugs was stupid and where we’re going, the government will distribute drugs to the population – “Brave New World.”
#17 – Sir, you are correct in some things you say. But first, we seem to have some things in common. I too don’t own a TV. I do read a lot as well and this blog is also the extent of my online interaction. Having said that, it’s also interesting how we come up so opposite in our concepts of what’s going on here in this former America. For example, I look at people like yourself and I don’t see a “defeatist,” I see a reactionary, a person who fails to understand reality – as in the Republic being dead. “Nay saying,” yes, of course, I say nay to this horrible “government” now, tomorrow and forever. I’ve always had a moral core no matter how much I seem to have diverged from it, it was always still there. I pray that I live to see a new America emerge from this rubbish heap that we live in now.
About yourself sir if I may. I see you as a college graduate (smart but inexperienced). When you were supposed to be getting experience as a young man you were instead, sitting in a classroom like a child. You’re definitely vaccinated, couldn’t see the big lie that all the stupid Covid was/is. Lastly, you never served in the military of the America you still believe exists.
#21 I have to say, I admire your ability to push on even when you’re wrong about everything. Truly inspiring.
Your assessment of me is, as expected, pretty far off base. No college for me. Started working at 13 and haven’t stopped. I never did serve in the military, but after my family lost two brothers in Europe in 1943 and two boys in Viet Nam in 1966 and 1967, my mother said I could join the military over her dead body. Perhaps you can turn that scary power of deduction on yourself. You are an angry and bitter fellow. You long for a time when America was a great place to live, as long as you were white and male. You’re upset that the world is changing, ignoring the fact that it is ALWAYS changing. In other words, someone who fails to accept reality. You once penned a letter to the coast star using a pseudonym of a pretty horrible historical figure. Your past comments on this blog show a person who sees women as objects. Objects that belong behind a stove or a sewing machine. As I said previously, you’re a dime a dozen. Every generation has someone like you. “The world’s going to hell in a hand basket!” Always a problem, never a solution. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or a hospital or a homeless shelter. Run for council or mayor or dog catcher. Do something to make the world a better place. If not, then I’ll say it again; keep screaming at the wind, the rest of us have work to do.
I’d rather have a dispensary than the empty storefronts I see now. Have you even been in one of those places? Some of them rival high-end retail and costs just as much. These aren’t the places you go to spend $10 on cheap weed.
Sir, obviously, you come from good stock, but you made a bad mistake early in life as a man. That explains your red hatred of me and your staying anonymous. I’m done with you sir.
#24 oops, sounds like I touched a nerve. I don’t ‘red hate’ you. What I feel is closer to sympathy.