Letters from Yesterday’s Coast Star – October 20, 2022

From Mayor Walsifer and Fred Valz
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  1. “We rely on the expertise of the people on the planning and zoning boards” Expertise?!? What experts, they’re just volunteer laymen.
    “…ensure that all projects comply with ordinances and zoning laws” Well that is just patently false.

    The Tap Into article is very bad for this admin. Of course it is the kind of thing that the Doherty admin would do on a daily basis, but we shouldn’t tolerate it. Why on earth would Kirschenbaum not disclose, in an official manner, that the building is owned by a family member? When will these guys learn that the appearance of impropriety, is almost as bad as actual impropriety.

  2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The fall of Walsifer will be because of the people he surrounds himself with. I won’t name them all again but everyone knows who they are. But mainly the BA. With this article which alleges criminal conduct, the BA should resign immediately. This would be the only way to save the Walsifer, McCracken, Clapsis campaign.

  3. Eddie has been on the taxpayers’ dime for more than 40 years. He’s an expert at it. He always leaves destruction in his wake. This allegation is ******** but not shocking if you know Him.

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  4. To 3
    Tha damage is already done. Walsifer and McCracken turned him loose on Belmar and will now feel the consequences.

  5. #2 So you realize tapinto belmar is run by Matt Doherty. Matt is a Gerry supporter so he can have an in back into the borough now that he is out of AC.

    I hope everyone can realize how one sided the story is.

    I am soooo frustrated that not one person sees how the Hines family is also in the wrong here. They took it to personal, and they did not want to work with the Borough and disclose information. They play the victims but they are not. The victims are the people of Belmar that helped support the Belmar First Aid Squad.

    Sentence deleted by Editor

  6. #6 you are correct that there are definitely two sides to the BFA story. Actually probably three sides- Hines’ side, Walsifer’s side, and the truth.
    Although that rag is run by Doherty, you cannot ignore the fact that the BA did not disclose, in an official matter, that the building we are buying is owned by a family member. Regardless of who’s right or wrong in the BFA situation, what the BA did is inexcusable. Frankly, paying over a million for that property, a contaminated piece of property, seems too high to me. I can live with the fact that we are buying it from the BA’s family, what I can’t abide is the fact that he didn’t disclose it. It is objectively bad. I voted for Walsifer. I support most of what he’s done. This, however, reeks of dirty dealings.

  7. I agree the Hines situation is sketchy to say the least. But this Belmar Auto deal has nothing to do with them. This is certainly unethical.

    Have the Code Enforcer results come out yet?

  8. To 6
    Everyone knows the truth and you are on the wrong side of it. You’re probably the guy who started it all!!

  9. #10 I’m not the guy that started it all. I’m a female for starters and just happen to highly disagree with you.

    Two days in a row Matt’s now political agenda bias news outlet comes out with old stories like the first aid building and the building on 12th to further his own political agenda and everyone now thinks this is a coincidence?

    You guys are the same people that constantly complained about Matt and his admin who actually did dirty dealings and were unethical and created alot of Borough problems.

    He is using Gerry to get back in, I will say it again wouldn’t surprise me if you vote for Gerry you get Matt within his admin. I would laugh at all of you if Gerry gives Matt the BA position.

    Isn’t anyone wondering why Matt all of a sudden cares so much about the Belmar election and supporting good old do nothing Gerry. It’s a way back in the door to the Borough, this time perhaps with a higher paid position, Gerry already has his pension from the NJ tax payers dollars to the max why not Dirty Matt.

  10. Make no mistake McCracken is worse than K, just smoother and more educated. They all have to go and be replaced by upstanding, belmar residents with no bad motives and who care about the good of the people of Belmar. He’s sitting back with K laughing. Vote them all out.

  11. Matt is just a good reporter doing His job for the paper. To think He wants back into belmar politics is ludicrous

  12. #12 you’re missing the point. Yes, we all agree that Matt was bad. Yes, we agree that he is using whatever influence his free online newspaper can bring to bear (not much).
    This situation, the BA not disclosing that tax payer money is going to the purchase of a property owned by a family member, is a violation of the law. Period. The unethical things that Matt did as mayor, while repugnant, are irrelevant. Also, Matt is a citizen like anyone else. The fact that he supports Jerry should not come as a shock. He is a democrat. I support Jerry too but that doesn’t mean I’ll get a plum crony position in his administration. Jerry seems acutely aware of the toxicity that Doherty brings. He explicitly proclaimed that Matt will not be any part of his administration. I believe him
    In any event, what the current BA did is objectively bad. Trying to excuse it by calling out what Doherty did in the past, is deflection. It’s also ironic. We wouldn’t tolerate it from Matt so we shouldn’t tolerate it from Walsifer. Simple.

  13. Eugene Creamer confirms his facts proactively. Rarely, if ever has he been wrong.
    His great badge of Courage was to defy the little Mcdirty who banned Eugene from all Belmar meetings. The ****** bully is a jerk who panders to the left. Used to be referred to as a deleter for not telling the full story. Now that person is a “news media” czar? What a joke, at least Maggie had credentials.

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  14. Can Cathy Goetz describe the meaning of deliberately misleading statements in Journalism?
    Can she. or the average reader spot a lie, no matter how elaborately it is disguised, no matter how successfully the language in which it is presented removed it from all liability for false claims?

    TITLE 40A:9-22.1 et seq.
    40A:9-22.3 DEFINITIONS
    i. “Member of immediate family” means the spouse or dependent child of a local government officer or employee residing in the same household.

  16. Having grown up where Irish bssers were deriguer I’m still flabbergasted that the blind Mcdirty lovers of Belmar followed him like sheepeople. Could he be being used by Gerry just for mere advertising pennies or is there a larger picture to ponder? CLEARLY, Maggie was the star and I suspect she still is, in her own right.

  17. 13 hopefully he’ll keep on writing because there’s a whole lot more to tell… do you know so you could laugh a little more

  18. What’s unethical is Matt Doherty writing an article and using the cover of Jack Stocum’s byline. Anyone who thinks that 23 year old newcomer has the ability to write that article is living In fantasy land.

  19. Since I am under a gag order by TAPinto.net for a year to say anything disparaging about its Belmar/Lake Como site or any other TAP news site, as the former publisher/editor of TAPinto Belmar/Lake Como, I will limit my comments to the following: I am totally embarrassed and disgusted over what the news site has become – a trash receptacle of content that is consistently biased and politically skewed, in addition to the overall poor quality of writing, reporting and lack of attribution in “news stories.” In addition, there is no consistent coverage of hyperlocal news (i.e. municipal meeting coverage, police blotter, calendar listings), and Lake Como has been totally ignored. That’s what happens when any news outlet or organization is run by individuals with limited or no journalism experience.

  20. Just wash your hands of all this so-called politics. Nothing will change whichever character “wins.”

  21. #25- I worked my ass off to rid this town of Doherty’s dirty deeds. I am not voting for Walsifer, not because I ‘blindly follow Doherty’, but because I DON’T BLINDLY FOLLOW ANYONE.

    #24 I’m not either of those posters but you can hear from me. The property is owned by BA’s brother-in-law. Mr Creamer is accurate in his pointing out that technically that is not an immediate family member. However, in order for him to be an in-law one of the following things must be true. He is married to BA’s sister, he is the brother of BA’s wife, or he is married to a sibling of the BA or his wife. Since the ‘blindly defend Walsifer crowd’ thinks that this is all just peachy. I would like written proof that no one in the BA’s immediate family will benefit financially from this sale. Good luck with that. The hypocrisy of you people is staggering. If Doherty pulled this stunt in the exact same way, you’d all be screaming your heads off. Pathetic.

    #26 oh please. Stop with the false bravado. Mr Creamer is not being attacked. He is a absolute necessity in this town. His information is always welcome. People are pointing out that it’s hair splitting. And it is. This is the equivalent of getting off on a technicality. Again, if Doherty did the exact same thing, you be horse from shouting.

    #30 trust much? It’s not exactly Woodward and Bernstein. I have very little difficulty believing a 23 year old wrote the article. Did you even read it?

    #29 I don’t even know what to say because you’re just a lost cause. The BA did not recuse himself from deliberations in the purchase of that property. He did not disclose that he is related to the property owner. That is unethical by even the most generous definition. You vote for whoever you want, but you don’t get to redefine facts.

  22. Anyone with half a brain can see what’s going on here. Matt Doherty is not trustworthy. He also has no spine and no conscious. * Words deleted by Editor * uncaring and unable to accept responsibility for his actions. * Sentence deleted by Editor.* I also feel sorry for Kirschenbaum. His name is not on the ballet, yet he is treated as such. Dragging his good name through the trenches. Why? Because people like Doherty and Buccafusco and McElroy fear him because he is not afraid to expose the truth. He is a fearless man with integrity. He is someone you want on your side. He is someone that you can rely on and he is someone who would lay down their life to save someone else. You can’t say that about any of these other jokers who just make threats. This is only happening because of the election. It’s the last attempt to tarnish the administrations achievements in Belmar and there are many. After this election these three characters will have to live with themselves and the harm they inflict on individuals and their families. Belmar is a great town and Kirschenbaum is home grown. Doherty and Buccafusco are transplants. They are opportunists and they have no future here.

  23. Cathy Goetz, thank you for elucidating in a nonpartisan manner.

    Only the naive could possibly believe that the Gerry mobile, 2022 isn’t powered by Mr & formerly Mrs Doherty. Same backers in three runs wearing different team jackets just reeks!

  24. #33 Sorry but the facts are the facts. You’re wrong. The media blamed Trump for declaring bankruptcy. The media loves the people who passed all those laws. Change the law!!!

  25. #37 what the #%* are you blathering about? Facts are facts? Yes, they are. The media blamed Trump for his bankruptcies (plural)? The media reported the bankruptcies. It is the public that blames him. Change the laws? He over extended himself and then stiffed all the businesses he owed money to. That’s the law’s fault? My god you are naive.

    #34 I have a full brain and I see what’s going on here. There is a rotten hypocrisy in partisan politics. When the other guy does it, it’s unethical. When your guy does it, he’s being maligned. (Sentence deleted by Editor.) I have no idea if he would ‘lay down his life’ for me. I also have no idea if one of the three candidates running wouldn’t. And neither do you. So stop with histrionics and accept that what the BA did was wrong. Maybe not illegal, but certainly wrong. Your blind loyalty is unhealthy.

  26. The only thing unhealthy is this blog because it gives a platform for people to spread lies and hate. That’s unhealthy. Go do something positive. Go off the grid and live a full life.

  27. #40 This blog has always, and continues to, expose political corruption. It played a leading roll in removing the Doherty admin from power. One could argue that it is vital to the accountability of local government. Then, like now, there are always people who are angry that it’s their team being exposed. You can always turn off your computer.

  28. Thank you.

    I did learn from Dave Schneck, Belmar’s Original Blogmaster, and worked with him, and he still gives me advice, and I use the same template,
    but this is My Blog, started in January, 2020.

  29. I appreciate Cathy Goetz’ opinion and honesty. “Totally embarrassed and disgusted “ are accurate descriptions of Dirty Doherty.

  30. These descriptions of Matt are very accurate but they apply to this current character as well. It is totally illogical to continue the voting for any “candidate” running for any office in this nation under the circumstances that exist today. Unfortunately, our Republic has ceased to exist quite some time ago. We’re just going through empty motions anymore – DON’T VOTE…

  31. For the People that are unaware of Matt. I posted on Dave’s NH blog he was fired from his political hack job as the Director to improve Atlantic City. With lots of time on his hands he bought Tap Into Belmar with Clare as his star reporters both are solid Democrats with a political bias.

  32. Doherty couldn’t handle a political hack job. Now he doesn’t have ******* to get him another political hack job. (*Sentence deleted by Editor.*)
    He **** to his little old neighbor to buy her house for next to nothing saying he wanted it for his mother or mother-in-law. Then he tore it down and rebuilt it selling it for over 2.5 million. Now he’s rebuilding his old house that his wife moved out of. He is **** and needs to move out of Belmar

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  33. #46 Don’t vote then don’t bitch about what happens after.

    We need to continue to vote for the best people, Not the best party. If we do this then someday we might get better. If we don’t vote then we will never get better

  34. Strawberry fields forever. Monumental job cleaning up Doherty travesty in Belmar. The uncovering took so much time and Belmar still overcame the shadow of Bankruptcy and State control.

    You have to be able to have foresight and ability to succeed in running a business like Belmar. Like businesses we taxpayer are like stockholders. A five year plan must be provided to the folks before they VOTE.

  35. #47- For the 50th time…we all know how bad Matt was. Quite a few of us worked very hard to get him out off office (since he quit before the end of his term, we worked to get rid of Brian instead). However, Matt is not in the ballot. You cannot deal with the problems facing the Walsifer admin (problems they brought on themselves btw) by attacking the guy who isn’t even running. The article about the BA may be slanted due to the fact that it was published, but it doesn’t change the fact that the BA did what he did. At what point is Walsifer responsible for his own people? Or is everything the BA does somehow Matt’s fault? Let’s blame Ken Pringle too while we’re at it. What ever happened to personal responsibility.

    #49- oh he won’t vote, but you can bet your bottom dollar he’ll complain. Complaining is his first language.

  36. This is too funny. No one is more corrupt than Matt Doherty and no one is more ********* than Mcelvoy. No one hates more than Buccafusco. And no one is going to play into the bull crap, exploitation and lies of this election. How about the three of you start packing up now and go back where you came from. Belmar will be better without you.

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  37. #52 – That is all old news. Tort claim was filed Feb. 2022. Tapinto is now just reporting all of this. Seems like good timing to put this all out in the public eye a few weeks before election.

  38. Where is the “breaking news” moniker? This should be picked up by News12. Call the attorney general.

    This is ridiculous, petty stuff that is best left to the court to sort out. Not slimy news articles from a bogus newspaper written by a politico with an axe to grind. Just before an election!

  39. What is clear is how invested Matt must be in this election and how supportive he is of Gerry and crew. And we all know Matt doesn’t just help people something is in it for Matt. So if you want Matt back vote for Gerry.

  40. To smoke trail
    I fail to see the humor in any of this. The ******** ** *********, ********, ********* ********, the handling of the first aid, purchase of the old gas station from his relatives, the arrest of the first aid member for putting fuel in a first aid vehicle.
    Real funny ??

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  41. #57 stop perpetuating rumors. Gerry has stated multiple times that Matt will have no place in his administration.

    We already have a version of Matt in office now. I voted for Walsifer the first time because I was tired of all Matt’s shady practices. Now I am voting for Gerry because I am tired of Walsifer and Eddie’s. Too many former cop buddies taking care of each other.

    And if Jerry turns out to be do the same, I will vote him out too. But for now I will take him at his word. I am voting out of my usual party, and going for Gerry, Maria, and Mark locally. I’d like to see local elections go to a party-less system. National issues have no bearing on our local issues. And Mark and Ed have proven to be anything but conservative. Too much ‘progress’ in Belmar these last few years for my taste. I liked Belmar how it was.

  42. #57 absolutely correct. We currently have Doherty light in power.

    #56 you’re right. Matt is getting people to read his free newspaper. That’s what he’s getting out of this. Wouldn’t matter who was running against Walsifer.

    #53 go back where you came from? What are you, king of Belmar? What part of the stories about the BA are ‘lies’. Point them out to us. We’ll wait.

    #56. Of course these issues are for the courts to decide. The media reports stuff, if it’s a criminal or civil complaint, the courts handle it. If the media didn’t report on things that were ‘up to the courts to decide’, they wouldn’t report on anything. Are you feeling ok?

  43. EK will never step down! (*Sentence deleted by Editor.*) Why is there never anything done about it all? The answer is simple, he knows too many people. The prosecutors office said it right in their report, no one wanted to speak out against him.
    And through all of this we will be stuck with them for another four years. You think what they have done is bad now, just sit back and watch it all unravel in the next four years.

  44. “Voting” is a relic of the past still shoved out there each year as if it has some significance. It’s as dead as the men who put it in place, just like our “Constitution” and of course, our Republic.
    Think of what should take this dead systems place and stop kicking it around by debating which character is better or worse than the other character.
    At least the millennials (not known for their intellect) mostly don’t vote.

  45. #63 you are living in your own lonely and empty world. Where on earth do you get your facts from, I would imagine most millennials are more educated then you. You are just a nasty person.

  46. #63 if the ‘republic’ is dead and you just want to give up, why on earth are you trying to indoctrinate people? This may come as a shock, but no one cares if you vote or not. Just because you throw in the towel doesn’t mean the rest of us have to. You’re like a modern day Chicken Little.

    Millennials are as intelligent as your generation. Trying to claim one generation (a ridiculous construct) is better than another is as tired and used up as it is untrue.

  47. Yep, I could’ve used better wording about Millennials. At least their noses are working well. They can smell the stench coming off the carcass of this long dead political system – DON’T VOTE.

  48. #66 what in G-D’s name did Walsifer have planned for Belmar future? Was it to turn it into one giant cluster of box shaped condos? Who is ‘G-d’ by the way? I think just the ‘G’ would suffice.
    Seriously, go back and look at Walsifer campaign literature. It is big on complaining about the old admin (which is fine) but very little about his plans for the future.
    You’ve decided to hold Mr Buccafusco to a different standard? Well, that is normal for people who choose the party line over common sense. Bravo.

  49. The lack of any Democrat plan is eerily reminiscent of the frustrated Poopoloosa instructing the Senate to just vote yes and then you can read it.

  50. #66,70 again, go back and check out Walsifer’s campaign materials. Zero ‘plan’. Just a list of complaints. That’s all fine and good but you can’t have it both ways. That’s called hypocrisy. Is that what you’re going for?

  51. #78. I guess you haven’t been reading the Belmar news letters. Lots of great accomplishments and comprehensive dredging and paving plan to upgrade infrastructure over next 10 yrs. There is def a plan that the Mayor and council have put in motion.

  52. Justify Jerry’s NO PLAN future for Belmar in 2023, great way to go folks. Are the insurgents a George Soros patronage ticket?

  53. #74 exactly my point. The newsletter (Matt had one too) is always an impressive list of accomplishments (Matt’s was too). That’s great, now that Walsifer has been mayor for four years. But if you look at his campaign lit from when he was running four years ago, there are no ‘plans’. Just complaints about the, then, current admin. In other words, what was fine for then candidate Walsifer, is not fine for now candidate Buccafusco. That’s called a double standard. But hey, if you’re into self serving political newsletters, I can guarantee Jerry and co will have one published once he’s mayor. Hopefully that will satisfy you.

  54. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention GenX & GenZ is the same as the Millennials. They won’t vote either for the most part. So, you see, you people who “vote” are a dwindling group of reactionaries. DON’T VOTE

  55. #77 are you being paid by some kind of anti-democratic super PAC? As usual, your information is factual only inside your own head: “Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X outvoted older generations in 2018 midterms” was a recent headline in a pew research poll. Do you ever tire of being wrong? Again, don’t vote, no one cares if you do or don’t. Stop trying to inject the rest world with your cynicism.

  56. You decide to either have a plan to put into effect January 1, 2023 or you don’t have to plan ahead, or have no idea, format, or most importantly, professionals in mind for 2023? Most informed voters want to review before they VOTE it is a very simple concept. Putting it out there for voter review now not January 2023 is monkey easy. No one buys a pig in a poke anymore.

  57. And allowing Belmar voters an inkling of your positive positions on the day to day functions might change the outcome of the election.

  58. Why don’t you ever publish anything with ********* ****? Are you his aunt or something?

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  59. #81 please don’t entertain his nonsense.

    #79 for perhaps the 4th or 5th time…Walsifer didn’t have explicit plans when he ran for mayor. And have you talked to Jerry? Have you attended a meet the candidate or fundraiser? No! Of course you haven’t. It’s ‘monkey easy’ to just complain without investigating. Email Jerry or call him. You’ll get your plan. You want to turn Belmar in to one giant homogeneous condo factory, vote for Walsifer. It’s that simple.

  60. Some people ask me for an answer to the idea of their not voting. Well, I can’t give anyone such an answer, other than to say for each person who doesn’t vote, the confidence in this tyrannical government we live under is diminished a bit. Hopefully, when that confidence reaches its lowest ebb, it will collapse under its own corrupt weight without the usual accompanying revolution. DON’T VOTE

  61. #85 you are forgetting that one of the two major parties (that is a problem right there, only two parties) already HOPES fewer people vote and actively tries to keep certain people from voting. So that’s the first gaping hole in your logic. The second (of many) gaping hole is the fact that it won’t work. You will never convince the party line zealots or the religious fanatics not to vote. Only sensible people would consider that type of civil protest. The sensible people that make up the vast middle. You take away those votes? And you got yourself a battle between the two extremes. That would be bad for us all. If anything, people should be MORE engaged, MORE informed, MORE involved. I get it, you are fed up with the government. Join the club. But when you want change, you have to work for that change. Think of it this way; you get to walk around and freely criticize the US government. If enough people followed the advice not to vote, you’d lose that right. You’d have an emboldened dictatorship who would dismantle the free press and lock up anyone who dissented. My advice: GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. That is THE best way to hold our elected officials accountable.

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