Pollinators need your help in the winter too
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by Jon Gibbons of Lake Como
Thank you Sandy. So important to our planet. Now convince the lazy landscaper employee mindset to STOP BLOWERS and unnecessary grass cutting. Property owners perpetuate the destruction.
I have been doing this for years, and it’s always a nice surprise in the spring when I clean out my perennial gardens and see the green sprouts of the plants popping through the dried-out vegetation. First, it’s the crocuses, then the hyacinths and tulips, followed by the lilies and then the pollinators.
Thank you Sandy. So important to our planet. Now convince the lazy landscaper employee mindset to STOP BLOWERS and unnecessary grass cutting. Property owners perpetuate the destruction.
I have been doing this for years, and it’s always a nice surprise in the spring when I clean out my perennial gardens and see the green sprouts of the plants popping through the dried-out vegetation. First, it’s the crocuses, then the hyacinths and tulips, followed by the lilies and then the pollinators.
Ditto Cathy, our undisturbed yards are treasure troves, indeed.