Status of Cafra Permit for the Mediterranean Proposal

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Notice of Cafra application filing.

Cafra Permit application was filed in June.

Pending Permit Document below.

Deficiency Letter from the DEP below.

This application has to go before the Mayor and Council for approval.
Then it has to go before the Planning Board for approval.

Watch the presentation at the March 16, 2021 Council Meeting
Peruse the Plans


  1. I feel that while the motel has been a problem( note the recent shooting) I don’t feel that this area needs such a huge development. They already said that the DOT told them that both 8th and 10th Avenues cannot handle the traffic.

  2. Boy oh boy, you were warned that the sheepdog was a comin’, with old news it seems, woof, woof, That’s it? No congrats to the Mcdirty crew for trying cause havoc with your dollars again I guess. How many drug deals do you have to have Hudson County escapees? JC IS now the Gold Coast again, no thanks to you, thanks to brave people who risked their bankrolls. The longer the BELMAR MOTOR lodge stays the longer the government will subsidize it with your hard earned pensions.

  3. #2 are you ok? Your level of critical thought seems diminished. Are you blaming Matt Doherty for this ridiculous development project? Or are you saying that the motor lodge is so bad that it should be replaced by this ridiculous development project. And where does the ‘sheepdog’ come in. Do you mean ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’? A sheep dog is not something you would typically warn people about. They are furry and friendly. The Hudson County reference is perplexing as well. Are you trying to connect dots somehow?
    How about you take a moment, gather your thoughts, and then say whatever you are trying to say. Take your time.

  4. That thing is possibly the most hideous mega structure I’ve seen. Is it a joke? Yes, the motor lodge is bad, but that is no excuse to allow that ridiculous thing to go up. Who’s going to pay for the necessary updates to infrastructure?
    It will be really good at blocking the marina views from the new rooftop lounge at the Beach Haus.

  5. I tell ya. I’m gonna start letting my house go to pot, selling drugs in my living room, ignoring the laws in place, and being a bad neighbor. I’ll be able to sell my house over market value, and who ever buys it can put up whatever they want! God Bless America!

  6. #7, Sounds like real estate agents who, in the 1980’s counseled property owners into selling their properties in the first two ocean blocks running North to South to absentee Slumlords who turned 3 month Summer Group Rentals into Goldmines causing havoc for local families for decades!

  7. #8 haha, yes. It’s brilliant. There are people in this town who are ok with any building, regardless of how obnoxiously large and illegal, as long as it is replacing something that bad. Oh, and that bad thing is usually bad because the town allowed it for years. Hahah. (*Sentence deleted by Editor.*) That alone would get them permission to add an extra level. Maybe even a casino. (I’m kidding, don’t get any ideas Mr developer)

  8. Crazies: The Planning and Zoning Boards have the decision making responsibility not the Council.
    Check the members party affiliations, they are nonpartisan and have rules to follow with legal guidelines. Just like the history of our Judges and Prosectors, the best for the job, not party affiliations.

  9. #11 that is true. But the experts allowed the 12th Ave project with its two dozen variances. Why? The public was against it.
    And if you think that prosecutors and judges aren’t partisan, you don’t watch the news. In addition, the council, not the zoning board, are the ones that inexplicably increased the height restrictions for that ‘proposal’. Why? There is literally no good reason for that, but there are dozens of bad ones.

  10. #13 no one believes what? That the council voted to increase the height restriction for this project? It’s not the tooth fairy, so it’s not something you need to ‘believe in’. There is a video of the meeting. You can watch it. When pressed to explain why on earth they would do such a thing, the mayor had no answer. He literally said something like, well if the developer wants it to be higher, not at least this is already approved. It was astonishing. And it was a naked attempt at appeasing developers. There is no reasonable reason why it was done. None.

  11. #12 & #14 maybe the members of the ZBOA thought that getting rid of the Belmar Inn was a good thing for the Borough. And there are plenty of good reasons that should go. And a good part of the public agrees with same.

    That includes former mayor matt who spoke in favor of the project and gave a speech;

    You will also note: Neither Gerry, Maria or Levis got up at any of the six meeting of the Belmar Inn to oppose same. Gerry got up one time just to scold the volunteer board members because some missed the meeting. BUT he never said he was against the project. WATCH THAT TAPE.

    It is obvious that Matt Doherty is working real hard for Gerry and the dems. Tapinto has become nothing more then a bias political news site. Rumor has it even though its being denied that Matt has skin in the game.

    It hard for me to believe based on passed experience with the former Mayor Matt that he would work this hard just because historically he only does something if he gets something in return.

    Food for thought.

  12. #16 just because Matt was for the 12th Ave project doesn’t make it a good decision. There were more people against it than for it. The three candidates running have made curbing development the cornerstone of their campaign. You want more?

    Matt was the worst mayor this town has ever seen. The reason I say that is because he used the town to take care of his pals, he had very little regard for Belmar citizens (unless helping them helped him), and he used his position to further his political career (didn’t work out).
    I’m against Walsifer because, aside from the furthering the political carreer, he is just like Matt. He has very little regard for the citizens, he is taking very good care of his pals.
    And Matt is getting something from going after Walsifer and Eddie in Tapinto. He’s getting revenge and readership. Jerry has said publicly that Matt will have nothing to do with his admin. I believe him. If Walsifer publicly fired the BA, pulled the former DPW director’s pension (if he can), he might get my vote. If not, then nope.
    And you have my word, if Jerry pulls the same stuff or has Doherty anywhere near the building, I will work my ass of to unseat him in four years. I’m not putting up with this crap anymore. You may be fine with it, but I’m not.

  13. #18 excellent question. Don’t trust my decision making. Make your own. The only request (and it’s just a request, you can do what ever you want), educate yourself before you make a decision.
    I’m not voting for Walsifer for the same exact reason I didn’t vote for Matt (then Brian). My decisions on candidates are made by their actions, not by the little letter next to their name.
    Or follow Mr Dillberger’s advice and don’t vote at all. Still a free country.

  14. Speaking of actions let’s see if Walsifer does anything about Kirschenbuam’s abuse of power and retaliation against a local resident by having him arrested for “*******” offenses that were later dismissed by the Prosecutor’s office.

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.
    This is not news, this happened last year.)

  15. Apparently, the CAFRA newspaper notice didn’t generate enough interest for the DEP to schedule a public hearing.

  16. The zoning board and planning board, aren’t they appointed positions by the mayor? Let’s help our beloved BELMAR! Turn the Tide. Vote Jerry!

  17. while the zonning board and planning board do need to sign off on it, the mayor and council were the ones who went past the height restrictions of the redevelopment plan. from 3 1/2 stories to 5 stories

  18. #27 adding on to what you said, the council actually over-ruled the planning board to allow the building they are putting up on 9th and main.

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