
  1. #1- “Anonymous”

    No. The counts may change but just one result may possibly change, and that is only in Ocean Township. Preliminary, recounts were done soon after the issue was brought to light by Jim Bean. It was discovered that one school board race in Ocean would have just a one vote difference and therefore a future runoff would likely be proposed there.
    In the other locations including Belmar, Monmouth County officials notified the newly elected candidates that they had nothing to worry about and the official recounts would show this when they are finally “officially” tabulated and signed off upon… the second time.
    Many are still however curious to know if the tally will be closer or further apart in the Belmar races when the results of the official review is posted. In the end, it’s stunning how a private citizen has to be a “check and balance” for fair elections when our own government should have methods in place to show these “red flags” in the numbers game. It makes you wonder. If more than 4/5ths of the double votes went to one party, there may be even more at work here than simply “computer programming errors”.

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