Lots of Concern About those Wind Turbines

No matter how I type this question below into Google,
the answer about removal of these wind turbines is always the same.
I’m thinking the money they made on installation of these things will have disappeared and the companies will be out of business. In a few years, we will be paying new companies to remove this abandoned, obsolete junk from our precious ocean. Imagine how lucrative those contracts will be.
And don’t forget, each wind turbine contains about 80 gallons of harmful, synthetic oil as lubricant.

And on Fox News –

And Point Pleasant Beach Mayor Paul Kanitra has More to say here

How about one of these on the Belmar Motor Lodge/Catering Halls Location,
instead of the proposed Mediterranean development project.
Imagine the income it could generate for our Borough.

Advanced Small Modular Reactors


  1. In recent TAPinto article, Mayor Jerry won’t sign the letter circulating to pause the turbine construction. Says there is no evidence that it’s the cause. I personally think they should pause for 60 days. If no whales wash up in that time then that is your evidence.

  2. I’m not surprised Mayor B won’t sign the petition about pausing to do more research he doesn’t care about things he doesn’t think directly affect him. Sad he is Mayor. What is so bad about pausing the project and doing more research? The petition is requesting more information not just calling to throw the idea out.

  3. I’d like to hear from Belmar businesses potentially impacted by offshore development … namely, Parker Pete and Miss Belmar crews that host ‘whale watching’ tours.

  4. I have been running whale watching tours from Belmar marina since 2018, Whales deaths are being politicized. Wind survey boats have nothing ZERO to do with these whale deaths. People waited way too long to oppose wind power.
    Ignore the politics follow the science.

    We will be out whale watching in a few weeks on our new big boat Jersey Girl from Belmar Marina.

    There are many reasons to be against windmills, whale deaths are not one of them.

    Bill Mckim
    Jersey Shore Whale Watch

  5. #6 I am not convinced until all the info comes in about wind turbines and whale deaths to make an informed decision, and I am not sure Parker Pete does whale watching and his biggest concern may be that the right whales are going to impact his business and cause a financial hardship as it did the Miss Belmar.
    And #4 who would sign their name to anything that they know nothing about.

  6. We have lived without those wind turbines forever. 60 day pause won’t hurt anything. Sign the petition Jerry. Those things only hurt Belmar.

  7. Off topic but has anyone heard about (Deleted by Editor.)

    Something like this cannot be posted without documentation.

  8. Bill, with all due respect how can you make the statement that the boats involved with scouting the floor of the ocean have nothing to do with marine animal deaths? Nothing I have read has indicated that any of the officials have any 100% proof that the sonar activity is not a possible contributing factor.

  9. Vicky Renner you are so brave putting logic out there on Facebook that the Whales, Dolphins, etc are being forcefully disoriented by the Sonar depth soundings off OUR SHORE!

    KEEP ON DOING what needs to be done, leading the call!

  10. #13. And u have no evidence that they do. “That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

  11. With some searching you get this. Your research may vary

    Navy has known for years that Sonar hurts/kills whales. Not sure what the difference is between ship and what is used for the wind farms. This is from 2002

    Offshore wind developers get licenses to kill and harass marine wildlife

    Here is the “Incidental Take Authorization” for the New Jersey developer from the Gov. I think it’s the same developer

    The Governments own definition of what an Incidental Take Authorization is

    And from what I have read the windfarms inland have these authorizations for the Killing of bald eagles which is illegal otherwise.

    This was found with one hour searching. There are many more people that are way smarter than I am. Looking forward to seeing what comes up.

  12. Bill. I never said there is evidence. Thats the whole point. There seems to be much uncertainty about the whale and dolphin deaths. It is a disturbing situation to be sure.

  13. I am just happy that those on the political right are starting to care about the environment. Welcome to 2023.
    Now you can also focus your activism on: oil exploration, drilling, fracking, coal burning, coal mining, carbon, air pollution, light pollution, idling vehicles, single use plastic, industrial pig farms, Monsanto, and on and on and on. I’m not sure why it was the possibility of whale deaths being caused by sonar that is what finally got you all so concerned for the environment, but I’ll take it!
    Don’t throw out your “Drill Baby Drill” signs. Please try to recycle them instead. The same seismic ultrasound surveys used for wind are also used for oil exploration. I don’t recall such concern before, but I’m sure it was there. Otherwise this would all be nothing more than political opportunism. And it can’t be that. Can it?

  14. #18 “WELCOME ALL”

    Bingo! Political opportunism at the national, state, and now at the local level as many can finally see. Parroting the ‘party line’ comes first and foremost. 😉

    An interesting point since you brought up Monsanto is their product called Glyphosate. As many are already aware, it is the active ingredient in “Roundup” weed killer and used on 97% of the U.S. wheat crop and present in almost every single California produced wine. It is outlawed in Europe; Here, however where the German company Bayer owns Monsanto it’s not only killing us, it’s killing the microbiomes in our soil. It causes liver distress in laboratory rats in concentrations as low as three parts per billion!
    Just like the wind turbines offshore soon, they are manufactured with mostly foreign materials or controlled from European conglomerates. We get another money making agenda pushed by The Globalists that is supposed to make our lives easier, but instead will be detrimental in so many ways.

    By the way, Bayer also owns Coca-Cola and Pepsico now as well. Like the Democratic Party and The GOP, they’re both controlled from on high by a monopoly. We still believe it’s a duopoly though and buy into the tribalism for the benefit of The Great Reset and New World Order.

  15. #19 correct.

    I was sarcastically pointing out that these folks couldn’t care less about the whales but are happy to use them for personal, political gain.

    To the fake environmentalists:
    You want to be against wind power? Fine. There are legitimate reasons for skepticism. Don’t pretend that all the sudden you are an environmentalist. That single use bottle of water (water!) that you buy by the gross ton at BJs has killed more marine life (including whales) than any surveying equipment ever has. If you really are concerned about sea life and the ocean itself, put down your fake picket signs and change the way you consume.

  16. Best Star Trek movie of the franchise.

    It wasn’t sonar that did the whales in, it was political hubris and good old fashioned pollution.

    Live long and prosper. Or deny climate science and keep on pollutin’

  17. #9 the mayor shouldn’t sign it. It’s a political stunt. If you are able to see the turbines from any Belmar beach, the town should make you head of the lifeguards. Looks like they’ll be 10 miles East and about 115 miles south. That’s quite a set of peepers you got there.

    #14 I had no idea Vicki Renner was a marine biologist. That is awesome. I will definitely listen to what she has to say on the subject. Thank you for the heads up.

  18. Southeast of Atlantic City is a good place to experiment with wind farms … Atlantic City is the place where New Jersey tried wind turbines, casino gambling and coastal high-rise structures … it is also the dumping ground for dead wood politicians.

    Hopefully … someday … the residents of Atlantic City will get a supermarket.

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