
  1. Is the other proposal that was handed in tonight just a battle between Matt and Robbins Nest aka **** vs **********? Do we realize this fight is now hurting the young adults that are part of Circle of Friends

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  2. Strike one against one dimensional George McGill. Now the town has to hire an outside attorney who specializes in “telecommunications”. Instead of us hiring a multi faceted law firm. Here we go, what’s next?

  3. WOW! Someone who wants to actually pay for the concession stand at Taylor Pavilion for the summer, use it to aid the mentally disadvantaged in the area that want to learn kitchen skills, and eliminate Matt Doherty’s latest get ****** quick scheme.
    That’s a win/win/win for Belmar!!

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  4. #3 this is not a win/win. It is a personal battle that is now going to affect a 501C3 and the young adults that are a part of it. If Matt was not the face of this it never would have been a problem. Personal attacks should not involve innocent families of those with children that have special needs.

  5. The town’s responsibility is to the taxpayers of Belmar. If there has been no written proposal or resolution for the Taylor space and someone has come forward to pay 20,000 dollars in rent, the mayor and council have fiduciary responsibility to consider that proposal. It should have nothing to do with feelings about the Circle of Friends which is a great organization.
    The rental space was not marketed correctly. Two small ads at the back of newspapers, the signs on the building itself were not removed, No for rent signs with contact info on the building.

  6. #1 and #4. Didn’t you hear the women’s proposal? $20,000 to the town and she will include special needs individuals and circle of friends!! That is a no brainer!

    And I won’t disagree that the name of Matt Doherty having anything to do with it makes it stink!

  7. What’s the deal (Deleted by Editor.)? I mean, I know a lot of people have a beef with Matt…

  8. The circle of friends is a great thing for the community and the Cupoli’s made it amazing in our area. I am concerned now with Matt’s hands in same even though the organization is a 501C3 does not mean that the newly taken over Matt can not pull a salary (Deleted by Editor.)In his proposal to the Borough to get this spot it was no rent to the Boro and no pay to the employees from the circle of friends, where do we think money is going to end up. Knowing Matt’s past with Belmar really are we falling for it again????

    But Mayor B just handed it to Matt and said Okay here’s the keys

  9. Councilman, Harbor Commissioner Levi’s. Have you looked into what the TOWN is paid for the tow boat rental slips and all the storage area ***** ** ***? How about the black van parked in front of the office for years?

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  10. Doherty should walk away from circle of friends.His association with them will hurt them at every turn.

  11. Don’t know much about those row boaters but that sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me just to use our boat ramp for free.

  12. This is a no-brainer. The council has fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. This woman is willing to hire circle of friends members and pay the boro $20K. Why would our leaders not take that offer? I sure hope this isn’t this council’s demise. They just got in office to start giving money away.

  13. What if a month from now someone comes to the Council meeting and over bids Robins Nest by $20,000 would we then drop Circle of Friends for Robins Nest and then drop Robins Nest for the next higher bidder? Isn’t that the purpose of having an open bid, to avoid this nonsense? And Dr. Kinney should be the one to tell the young adults of Circle of Friends, sorry I thought this was a good idea until money was dangled in front of me and then you never mattered.
    Sad days for sure in Belmar again! Politics, Personal vendettas and greed never looked good on anyone.

  14. Don’t you know that dealing with the former mayor is dealing with the devil? The Taylor Pavilion was supposed to be free for the taxpayers of Belmar, remember? Oh, so, if it is free, then why do we expect rent for use of the concession?

  15. “white paper?”
    When did paper become racist? Why isn’t there any black or brown or yellow paper? I’m revolted by bigotry wherever it raises its ugly head, even in inanimate objects. Many inanimate objects think by being inanimate, they can get away with being racist.

  16. #4
    This is why organizations have to be very careful in who they appoint as the pointman or face of the organization. Especially if it has as large a footprint as “Circle of Friends”. Maybe a simple background check like The New Jersey State Police did before turning him down as the head of the NJ State Department of Motor Vehicles?

    “McDirty” assumed that no one would ever speak out against helping of special needs people who everyone in society empathizes with and he could easily grow his “not for profit” for personal profit. Well guess what? All of us agree on those with special needs, but unfortunately only some of us can see through Doherty’s smokescreen. The perennial “takers” need to go away and leave Belmar alone.
    God bless Robin as she knows it will be a losing financial endeavor but in the end it will help the town, the special needs community, and hurt one of the most notorious bad actors in town who has taken advantage of the community at large enough throughout the years.

  17. These young adults deserve a chance. Even though Matt’s name is attached and Robins Nest is going against his as a personal vendetta it should not interfere with the young adults. This is strictly for the young adults, just take Matt’s name out of it and everyone will be happy. No matter what you think about him, I highly doubt this is all for personal gains. He and his ex wife have more money than they know what to do with. And he would never take from someone in need or do wrong by this group. Please everyone think about the young adults that are in the middle (Deleted by Editor.)
    Take this battle in to TapInto or the news. Go to a Circle of Friends event, see who you are all against over a fake “bid” that was proposed after Matt was at a meeting.
    If it was anyone else standing up there proposing this after two FAILED bids it would be smooth sailing.
    Keep in mind you are all hurting innocent young adults with disabilities from a job this summer.

  18. #16 Mr D- It’s back to comedy school for you. You aren’t subversive, you’re just whiny.

    This battle for the Taylor space is a personal beef between two narcissists. Neither party cares a wiff about circle of friends. They are both cut from the same cloth. Neither one of them does a single thing without first calculating how it will benefit them. This is a Lose Lose for the town. This admin has to distance itself from Doherty or they will get voted out. And this admin should not cater to a ********* whose only motivation here is to beat Doherty because he pointed out *** *******. It’s beyond pathetic.

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  19. #18 Well said, and totally spot on about Doherty. Couldn’t agree more.
    However, there is a person involved with Robins nest who has some small minded ******** ***** *** people. Those opinions are certainly her right to express, but I imagine COF wouldn’t want to associate with a person who denigrates a segment of the population for merely existing. Not a great look. As you say, “organizations have to careful who they appoint as pointman (or woman in this case)”
    My guess is that neither party is a good choice for such a positive organization.(Asterisks are mine.)

  20. Mayor and councils obligation is to Belmar taxpayers. Not any organization no matter how altruistic. It should not matter who is running it.

  21. At least when those dedicated and honest rowers/lifeguards asked for something for nothing, the council- starting with Mark Levis once again- said this time that it sounds good but they’ll take the time to think it over and then get back to them. That should have been the standard procedure or protocol established so that two weeks prior with President Doherty of The Circle of Friends and his request, they wouldn’t be in this position now.
    The big difference was Matt Doherty summoned his entourage and said, “let’s get outta here”, as soon as he got what he wanted. In contrast, those lifeguards had the decency to wait until the resolution portion of the meeting was over to excuse themselves from the chambers.

    #19- As it was revealed two weeks prior, Matt Doherty gave away concessions at Belmar’s public marina for thirty-five years to Chefs International as Joe McEvoy pointed out. What Mr. McEvoy failed to further enlighten the town on is the fact that Chefs International’s Regional Director grew up two blocks from Matt Doherty in Edison! That’s just one of the reasons he has more money than he knows what to do with as you say. Now it’s he who is supposed to get concessions for free as well?!? Also, maybe he should have offered a half price deal or something other than $1 a month if he has more money than he knows what to do with.
    I think that (Deleted by Editor.) further to get a better feel of who he can take advantage of as we see he has with you.

  22. If the mayor and council don’t do what’s best for the citizens of this town and take the $20,000 bid that includes circle of friends. Then I say start a petition and recall them

  23. Couldn’t robin nest hire and train some people from the circle of friends and employ them at robins nest on Main Street? I mean it’s a simple solution I am sure there are many individuals with disabilities that would love the opportunity to do something like this the location at the Taylor pavilion isn’t a magic and unique spot.

  24. This council would be wise to distance themselves from Matt, now and in the future. There were rumors during the campaign that favors would be owed and Doherty would somehow worm his way back in. We have not forgotten the ills Matt caused us over the years, including Taylor itself, that $4 million boondoggle that was supposedly built “for free”.

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