Maybe he could take a billion from his wind turbine budget.
I’m confused. There is a significant amount of republicans who believe Covid is a hoax. That it isn’t dangerous at all, and the public safety measures were BS. But in this article, the GOP senators are freaking out over the lack of Covid precautions at two VA homes.
Which is it? Is Covid a hoax? Or is it so dangerous that the lack of safety measures killed vets? This is a have cake and eat too situation.
Plus Murphy clearly agrees w the senators that it is unacceptable.
I also feel that it is unacceptable. I also thought it was unacceptable when Ted Cancun Cruz and his ilk tried to stop the burn pit bill to help gulf war vets. Wonder if these NJ GOP senators were upset at that too. There is a seemingly endless supply of hypocrisy these days.
I’m a democrat and have never looted in my life. Not once.
It’s an interesting theory you are implying, that all ‘looters’ are democrats. There are some flaws. First, you can’t tell what party a looter belongs to. Second, there are at least two forms of looting: there is the looting you see on TV that fills you with anger. And then there is the looting that goes on behind the scenes that you don’t see on TV. The second form is estimated at about 100 times more money. I get it’s easier to be mad at the people on the evening news, but you should probably be mad at the people in expensive suits who are also stealing. There’s a trial going on right now involving a wealthy business man who allegedly (evidence is very strong) stole billions (with a B) from banks. That would take a lot of flat screens to equal that kind of thievery.
If a democrat politician breaks the law, I say they must face the music.
I voted against Matt Doherty because he was a bad mayor.
The majority of republicans don’t have that kind of equity in their thinking. If a crime is committed by one of their own, they attack law enforcement. If they’re representative operate in a world of hypocrisy, they defend as uncompromising.
Sounds like you are a ‘what aboutist’ . Something I personally wouldn’t tolerate from my own kids.
Covid is a hoax
I’m of no party affiliation and I think it’s a hoax and always was. It was just a test to see how far they could push the sheeple into doing something what is bad for them.
I bet Matt is on Murphy’s short list to replace Menendez in the senate. I’ll be so proud – Just think of it, Senator Matt.
No way Matt is on any short list. He’s a liability and even Murphy knows that.
I work in healthcare and saw first hand how many people died from the ‘hoax’. Your theory would mean that it was the GOP who started the hoax. When Covid hit the US, and Covid restrictions began, Trump was prez and congress and the SCOTUS were controlled by the republicans. That’s all three branches of government for you civics fans out there.
I get that you’re not affiliated but you’re gonna have some Republican commenters losing their minds over that. Luckily, it’s not only an insane theory, it’s not remotely true. First off, why do it? Cave in the economy to make people stay home? Invent a virus that is totally fake and get the entire medical community to agree to it? Get the all the countries in the world to play along with the charade? Again, for a guy who thinks the government is filled with incompetent idiots, you sure give them a lot of credit.
Sir, interesting. Please stop this stuff with Trump/liar and this guy Biden/senility and republicans or democrats. They’re all on the same team and you and I aren’t on it George Carlin). The so-called supreme court is rottten through and through just like the rest of our judiciary from top to bottom. congress, scoundrels all.
“First off, why do it?” – As I said, it was a test to see how far they could go with the sheeple (you didn’t respond). That’s why. They have bigger stuff coming (probably the climate hoax) now that they know the sheeple are that brainwashed to allow the “government” to do such a thing.
“Again, for a guy who thinks the government is filled with incompetent idiots, you sure give them a lot of credit.”
The so-called government isn’t what you think it is. The real government is the FED (created 1913 by Woodrow Wilson – a real traitor) and their foreign banker pals. They control our currency and the stupid bunch of bums and traitors in “our” govt. dance to their tune so when the Fed tells them to do something, they do it. They control the world for the most part. They bring on all inflation and depression. They start and end all wars (WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq. Afghanistan, Ukraine, ect.) . Clergy, education, all news outlets, sports, hollywood, entertainment, are lackeys of the money power. The only president in my lifetime who wasn’t an out and out traitor FDR, LBJ, Clinton, both Bush’s or in incompitant dupe was Jack Kennedy and look what happened to him)
As to ourselves, we’ve come a long, long way down. All our morals, standards, values, etc. Many/most of our people have become walking zombies attached only to their gadgets and get all their ideas emanating from gadgets This is an unreal brainwashing action. Most of our young men can’t/won’t do what nature created them for and now women have tried those male roles and in the end, women rightly feel they’ve been cheated (Feminism) out of their natural roles in this world (child bearing, mothering and nurturing) – that’s the best shot I can give at what’s eating at women. I’ll say one last thing on this. Our best men and women aren’t reproducing enough and that leads to too many births of babies that aren’t of the best caliber. I know people won’t like my last sentence much but it’s my opinion.
Editor, I hope you can allow this post in its entirety. I’m trying to be helpful.
Thank you for the response.
I did address the ‘to see how far they can push the sheeple’ part of your theory. I explained that a self destructive global economic meltdown seems like a pretty severe way to see how far you can push people. It certainly didn’t help the political class. Additionally, most, if not all, Covid restrictions have gone away. Wouldn’t a big part of seeing how much you can control people be continuing to control people? There isn’t a whole lot of basic logic to your theory. I’m not surprised you think climate change is a hoax. It fits into your belief in a secret society of federal employees that controls everything. Just so you know: the planet is heating up. That is not in dispute by anyone. The reason it isn’t in dispute is because we keep records of temperatures (the thermometer was invented in 1654) The only thing in dispute is whether or not it is man made. And since CO2 is known to be one carbon atom connected to two oxygen atoms that becomes a green house gas when released into the atmosphere (this is factual chemistry) I fall in the, yup it’s a human produced problem camp. But I won’t try to convince you. No point.
And this shadowy ‘fed’ you speak of. Who is it made up of? Is it men? Women? Men and women? Do they have offices in DC? Where do they work? Do they choose presidents? It’s a little hard to imagine a group of individuals who are more powerful than any politician and yet work in the shadows. Who gets to be in the ‘fed’? They need to rotate people, so who gets in? Do they also control the SCOTUS? I know Justice Thomas took several bribes but that was from a private citizen. Why isn’t it discussed by retired politicians? If they aren’t running again, why not talk about the ‘fed’ who made them do everything they did?
Your list of non traitor presidents is actually the same as my list of favorite presidents (except Bush number 2) so common ground there.
Your thoughts on people addicted to gadgets is identical to my feeling. Grown men and women self obsessed with social status and ego. It’s all BS and it’s bad for them and society. More common ground.
Lastly, I’m not gonna touch your thoughts about women with a 10 foot pole. Let’s just call it archaic and leave it at that. I know my mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, wife, and countless female friends would heartily disagree.
As far as your last thought on what we used to call eugenics, I’m gonna leave that one alone too. I’m not a fan.
like most politicians, Governor Murphy cares about No. 1.
“Wouldn’t a big part of seeing how much you can control people be continuing to control people?”
They are still controlling people, but they don’t keep the “spigots” fully open all the time. They only open them fully when they want to.
You’re 2nd paragraph was interesting – The FED controls everything you mentioned and much more. Any retired politician who brought this to light would be hilaryclintoned. One of your questions about the FED was interesting and somewhat dangerous to go about asking out loud.
Possibly I didn’t say it right about who I thought were traitor presidents – the traitors were FDR, LBJ, Clinton, both Bush’s. Jack Kennedy was the only true American president in my lifetime.
“Lastly, I’m not gonna touch your thoughts about women with a 10 foot pole. Let’s just call it archaic and leave it at that. I know my mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, wife, and countless female friends would heartily disagree.”
Just because something is “archaic” doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Same here about women in my life. But to recognize the huge difference/ gulf that divide men and women isn’t in any way demeaning to women. The main problem with men and women in our nation today is they have both not followed their natures and you see the human devastation walking around daily everywhere. Men must be men and do the things according to a man’s nature and women must do the things according to women’s nature. Once you get a big crossover of natures you get the utter chaos we see building in this nation.
“Eugenics” – You/we accept it in animals and plants, why not people?
Ah, I see. So they are controlling all the time but only open the global pandemic control spigot every 100 years or so? The last spigot that had mask mandates and vaccine mandates was the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. I guess we’ll know if your theory is correct sometime around 2120.
You dodged my questions about the mysterious ‘fed’ with the deflection skills of a seasoned politician. You ever consider running for office? Seriously, not one question answered except for a nonsensical Hilary Clinton pun.
The JFK groupie vibe is a surprise. Not only was he prez for a very short time, but he stood for most of the things you hate. Or at least SAY you hate. He was a philanderer. He was the first modern prez to care about the plight and systemic social inequities of African Americans, shown in his Civil Rights act. If you read his speech accepting the nomination for president in 1960, you would disagree with almost every word. He talks about looking ahead, not behind, about the virtues of liberalism and making sure everyone has access to schools, healthcare, the ballot box, all through the help of the federal government. You forgive me for being surprised that someone like you admires someone like that. Unless your political views have changed over the years.
You’re right, just because something is archaic doesn’t mean it’s bad. Music, art, film, literature, etc. However, I meant it in the pejorative. Your men/women theory is based on your OPINION about men and women. Not based on realities on men and women. Nor is it based on historical (meaning going back 1000s of years) facts about men and women. What you call their ‘natures’ is really confined to your own very narrow minded opinion about men and women. Which is limited to the American suburbs between 1950 and 1965. There is no more chaos in the nation now than there was 20, 30, 60, 80 years ago. You are just more sensitive to changes as you get older. Like my parent’s generation, your parents generation, their parents generation, and every generation in human history. You want women and men placed in strict patriarchal boxes. It makes you upset that people are infinitely more complicated than you would like them to be.
“Eugenics is accepted in animals and plants, why not people”. A lucid and well thought out argument. The only flaw in your dizzying logic is the fact that we EAT plants and animals. So, a bit of a difference there. But comparing plants and animals to people is just one of the many over-simplifications you embrace. To which I respond, ‘what ever gets you through the night’.
The interesting thing about the Spanish Flu epidemic is they were able to continue WW1 to its conclusion without stopping the war. Today, they’d mandate the war be stopped until everybody was feeling peachy keen.
I stand by what I said about the FED. That is the single most corrupt/evil org. on the planet.
” He was the first modern prez to care about the plight and systemic social inequities of African Americans”
We Yankees all felt that way in the 60s. Too bad we were so young and gullible and we wouldn’t listen to one word the Southerners said – We thought we were so smart. Jack Kennedy made a peace speech (against going to war in Vietnam) at some college that got him killed and then we got the traitor, lbj.
I disagree with your 4th paragraph. I believe there is a male and a female nature, different and maybe even opposite, but at the same time equal. The problem as we see it today is both males and females are moving into the opposite nature and everything is coming apart before our eyes. The reasons “we” don’t see it is the massive amount of brainwashing we’re being subjected to each minute of every day. The reason I can see this brainwashing for what it is is that I was brainwashed once and I know how the process works. So it can’t effect me and people like myself.
” that we EAT plants and animals.” Animals eat each other too and they eat plants as well. When certain carnevors get a chance, they eat people too. Yep, I’m fine with basic logic all the time.
I’ve said my piece on this. I will no longer respond here. Have the last word if you’d like.
Ha, ok Mr D. Even though arguing with you is almost too easy to be fun, it still gives me some joy. Your logic is always a tangled mess of conflicting ideas and I, for some reason, enjoy the untangling.
One last thing- WW1 was from 1914 to 1918. The Spanish Flu epidemic was from 1918-1920. They didn’t have to stop the war, it was already over. Many survivors of the great war went on to die from the flu epidemic. Dates are important when referencing history to support your ‘opinion’.
I’m confused. There is a significant amount of republicans who believe Covid is a hoax. That it isn’t dangerous at all, and the public safety measures were BS. But in this article, the GOP senators are freaking out over the lack of Covid precautions at two VA homes.
Which is it? Is Covid a hoax? Or is it so dangerous that the lack of safety measures killed vets? This is a have cake and eat too situation.
Plus Murphy clearly agrees w the senators that it is unacceptable.
I also feel that it is unacceptable. I also thought it was unacceptable when Ted Cancun Cruz and his ilk tried to stop the burn pit bill to help gulf war vets. Wonder if these NJ GOP senators were upset at that too. There is a seemingly endless supply of hypocrisy these days.
Republicans are masters at practicing selective outrage when it suits their agenda.
HAHAHAHAHA……cuts both ways! Democrats are outraged when it fits their agenda as well!
I’m a democrat and have never looted in my life. Not once.
It’s an interesting theory you are implying, that all ‘looters’ are democrats. There are some flaws. First, you can’t tell what party a looter belongs to. Second, there are at least two forms of looting: there is the looting you see on TV that fills you with anger. And then there is the looting that goes on behind the scenes that you don’t see on TV. The second form is estimated at about 100 times more money. I get it’s easier to be mad at the people on the evening news, but you should probably be mad at the people in expensive suits who are also stealing. There’s a trial going on right now involving a wealthy business man who allegedly (evidence is very strong) stole billions (with a B) from banks. That would take a lot of flat screens to equal that kind of thievery.
If a democrat politician breaks the law, I say they must face the music.
I voted against Matt Doherty because he was a bad mayor.
The majority of republicans don’t have that kind of equity in their thinking. If a crime is committed by one of their own, they attack law enforcement. If they’re representative operate in a world of hypocrisy, they defend as uncompromising.
Sounds like you are a ‘what aboutist’ . Something I personally wouldn’t tolerate from my own kids.
Covid is a hoax
I’m of no party affiliation and I think it’s a hoax and always was. It was just a test to see how far they could push the sheeple into doing something what is bad for them.
I bet Matt is on Murphy’s short list to replace Menendez in the senate. I’ll be so proud – Just think of it, Senator Matt.
No way Matt is on any short list. He’s a liability and even Murphy knows that.
I work in healthcare and saw first hand how many people died from the ‘hoax’. Your theory would mean that it was the GOP who started the hoax. When Covid hit the US, and Covid restrictions began, Trump was prez and congress and the SCOTUS were controlled by the republicans. That’s all three branches of government for you civics fans out there.
I get that you’re not affiliated but you’re gonna have some Republican commenters losing their minds over that. Luckily, it’s not only an insane theory, it’s not remotely true. First off, why do it? Cave in the economy to make people stay home? Invent a virus that is totally fake and get the entire medical community to agree to it? Get the all the countries in the world to play along with the charade? Again, for a guy who thinks the government is filled with incompetent idiots, you sure give them a lot of credit.
Sir, interesting. Please stop this stuff with Trump/liar and this guy Biden/senility and republicans or democrats. They’re all on the same team and you and I aren’t on it George Carlin). The so-called supreme court is rottten through and through just like the rest of our judiciary from top to bottom. congress, scoundrels all.
“First off, why do it?” – As I said, it was a test to see how far they could go with the sheeple (you didn’t respond). That’s why. They have bigger stuff coming (probably the climate hoax) now that they know the sheeple are that brainwashed to allow the “government” to do such a thing.
“Again, for a guy who thinks the government is filled with incompetent idiots, you sure give them a lot of credit.”
The so-called government isn’t what you think it is. The real government is the FED (created 1913 by Woodrow Wilson – a real traitor) and their foreign banker pals. They control our currency and the stupid bunch of bums and traitors in “our” govt. dance to their tune so when the Fed tells them to do something, they do it. They control the world for the most part. They bring on all inflation and depression. They start and end all wars (WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq. Afghanistan, Ukraine, ect.) . Clergy, education, all news outlets, sports, hollywood, entertainment, are lackeys of the money power. The only president in my lifetime who wasn’t an out and out traitor FDR, LBJ, Clinton, both Bush’s or in incompitant dupe was Jack Kennedy and look what happened to him)
As to ourselves, we’ve come a long, long way down. All our morals, standards, values, etc. Many/most of our people have become walking zombies attached only to their gadgets and get all their ideas emanating from gadgets This is an unreal brainwashing action. Most of our young men can’t/won’t do what nature created them for and now women have tried those male roles and in the end, women rightly feel they’ve been cheated (Feminism) out of their natural roles in this world (child bearing, mothering and nurturing) – that’s the best shot I can give at what’s eating at women. I’ll say one last thing on this. Our best men and women aren’t reproducing enough and that leads to too many births of babies that aren’t of the best caliber. I know people won’t like my last sentence much but it’s my opinion.
Editor, I hope you can allow this post in its entirety. I’m trying to be helpful.
Thank you for the response.
I did address the ‘to see how far they can push the sheeple’ part of your theory. I explained that a self destructive global economic meltdown seems like a pretty severe way to see how far you can push people. It certainly didn’t help the political class. Additionally, most, if not all, Covid restrictions have gone away. Wouldn’t a big part of seeing how much you can control people be continuing to control people? There isn’t a whole lot of basic logic to your theory. I’m not surprised you think climate change is a hoax. It fits into your belief in a secret society of federal employees that controls everything. Just so you know: the planet is heating up. That is not in dispute by anyone. The reason it isn’t in dispute is because we keep records of temperatures (the thermometer was invented in 1654) The only thing in dispute is whether or not it is man made. And since CO2 is known to be one carbon atom connected to two oxygen atoms that becomes a green house gas when released into the atmosphere (this is factual chemistry) I fall in the, yup it’s a human produced problem camp. But I won’t try to convince you. No point.
And this shadowy ‘fed’ you speak of. Who is it made up of? Is it men? Women? Men and women? Do they have offices in DC? Where do they work? Do they choose presidents? It’s a little hard to imagine a group of individuals who are more powerful than any politician and yet work in the shadows. Who gets to be in the ‘fed’? They need to rotate people, so who gets in? Do they also control the SCOTUS? I know Justice Thomas took several bribes but that was from a private citizen. Why isn’t it discussed by retired politicians? If they aren’t running again, why not talk about the ‘fed’ who made them do everything they did?
Your list of non traitor presidents is actually the same as my list of favorite presidents (except Bush number 2) so common ground there.
Your thoughts on people addicted to gadgets is identical to my feeling. Grown men and women self obsessed with social status and ego. It’s all BS and it’s bad for them and society. More common ground.
Lastly, I’m not gonna touch your thoughts about women with a 10 foot pole. Let’s just call it archaic and leave it at that. I know my mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, wife, and countless female friends would heartily disagree.
As far as your last thought on what we used to call eugenics, I’m gonna leave that one alone too. I’m not a fan.
like most politicians, Governor Murphy cares about No. 1.
“Wouldn’t a big part of seeing how much you can control people be continuing to control people?”
They are still controlling people, but they don’t keep the “spigots” fully open all the time. They only open them fully when they want to.
You’re 2nd paragraph was interesting – The FED controls everything you mentioned and much more. Any retired politician who brought this to light would be hilaryclintoned. One of your questions about the FED was interesting and somewhat dangerous to go about asking out loud.
Possibly I didn’t say it right about who I thought were traitor presidents – the traitors were FDR, LBJ, Clinton, both Bush’s. Jack Kennedy was the only true American president in my lifetime.
“Lastly, I’m not gonna touch your thoughts about women with a 10 foot pole. Let’s just call it archaic and leave it at that. I know my mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, wife, and countless female friends would heartily disagree.”
Just because something is “archaic” doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Same here about women in my life. But to recognize the huge difference/ gulf that divide men and women isn’t in any way demeaning to women. The main problem with men and women in our nation today is they have both not followed their natures and you see the human devastation walking around daily everywhere. Men must be men and do the things according to a man’s nature and women must do the things according to women’s nature. Once you get a big crossover of natures you get the utter chaos we see building in this nation.
“Eugenics” – You/we accept it in animals and plants, why not people?
Ah, I see. So they are controlling all the time but only open the global pandemic control spigot every 100 years or so? The last spigot that had mask mandates and vaccine mandates was the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. I guess we’ll know if your theory is correct sometime around 2120.
You dodged my questions about the mysterious ‘fed’ with the deflection skills of a seasoned politician. You ever consider running for office? Seriously, not one question answered except for a nonsensical Hilary Clinton pun.
The JFK groupie vibe is a surprise. Not only was he prez for a very short time, but he stood for most of the things you hate. Or at least SAY you hate. He was a philanderer. He was the first modern prez to care about the plight and systemic social inequities of African Americans, shown in his Civil Rights act. If you read his speech accepting the nomination for president in 1960, you would disagree with almost every word. He talks about looking ahead, not behind, about the virtues of liberalism and making sure everyone has access to schools, healthcare, the ballot box, all through the help of the federal government. You forgive me for being surprised that someone like you admires someone like that. Unless your political views have changed over the years.
You’re right, just because something is archaic doesn’t mean it’s bad. Music, art, film, literature, etc. However, I meant it in the pejorative. Your men/women theory is based on your OPINION about men and women. Not based on realities on men and women. Nor is it based on historical (meaning going back 1000s of years) facts about men and women. What you call their ‘natures’ is really confined to your own very narrow minded opinion about men and women. Which is limited to the American suburbs between 1950 and 1965. There is no more chaos in the nation now than there was 20, 30, 60, 80 years ago. You are just more sensitive to changes as you get older. Like my parent’s generation, your parents generation, their parents generation, and every generation in human history. You want women and men placed in strict patriarchal boxes. It makes you upset that people are infinitely more complicated than you would like them to be.
“Eugenics is accepted in animals and plants, why not people”. A lucid and well thought out argument. The only flaw in your dizzying logic is the fact that we EAT plants and animals. So, a bit of a difference there. But comparing plants and animals to people is just one of the many over-simplifications you embrace. To which I respond, ‘what ever gets you through the night’.
The interesting thing about the Spanish Flu epidemic is they were able to continue WW1 to its conclusion without stopping the war. Today, they’d mandate the war be stopped until everybody was feeling peachy keen.
I stand by what I said about the FED. That is the single most corrupt/evil org. on the planet.
” He was the first modern prez to care about the plight and systemic social inequities of African Americans”
We Yankees all felt that way in the 60s. Too bad we were so young and gullible and we wouldn’t listen to one word the Southerners said – We thought we were so smart. Jack Kennedy made a peace speech (against going to war in Vietnam) at some college that got him killed and then we got the traitor, lbj.
I disagree with your 4th paragraph. I believe there is a male and a female nature, different and maybe even opposite, but at the same time equal. The problem as we see it today is both males and females are moving into the opposite nature and everything is coming apart before our eyes. The reasons “we” don’t see it is the massive amount of brainwashing we’re being subjected to each minute of every day. The reason I can see this brainwashing for what it is is that I was brainwashed once and I know how the process works. So it can’t effect me and people like myself.
” that we EAT plants and animals.” Animals eat each other too and they eat plants as well. When certain carnevors get a chance, they eat people too. Yep, I’m fine with basic logic all the time.
I’ve said my piece on this. I will no longer respond here. Have the last word if you’d like.
Ha, ok Mr D. Even though arguing with you is almost too easy to be fun, it still gives me some joy. Your logic is always a tangled mess of conflicting ideas and I, for some reason, enjoy the untangling.
One last thing- WW1 was from 1914 to 1918. The Spanish Flu epidemic was from 1918-1920. They didn’t have to stop the war, it was already over. Many survivors of the great war went on to die from the flu epidemic. Dates are important when referencing history to support your ‘opinion’.