
  1. Prioritizing daily operations of building is overlooked which is why there are many management problems.
    At the September meeting I requested the front office door contact information be updated. It has not been updated.
    Present contact information lists Exec Director Paul Caverly and his phone number and Superintendent Bruce Pettit and his phone # . Bruce passed away January 2023. His wife is a resident. This is very insensitive to keep that dated notice posted. People need to be able to contact the present EXEC Director Paul DeSantis. The present Superintendent Mike Carr used pencil to scratch out Bruce’s name and in barely legible writing wrote his name and phone #.
    Also requested a gas propane grill which is next to the community room window be moved as it is in violation of the National Fire Prevention Code. It is still there.
    Offered information on private grants for financing the facade. One is the Kearney Grant Foundation. I went to the Kearney Bank in 6th Avenue spoke with the branch manager Megan Perez about the condition of our facade. Estimated cost to repair entire building 2M. She emailed the grant information and application to Maria Rondinaro, Boro Council Liason for BHA. I submitted in writing the Kearney Bank Foundation website to Amy Spera, BHA secretary.

    October 3rd Meeting..
    Residents will use small personnel elevator when passenger elevator is modernized. Paul says battery driven “Jazzythings” will have to be left on the lobby floor.
    Paul the correct terminology for “jazzy things” is electric scooters and hoverhounds !
    Paul said they will put bids out for contract work on the facade in The Star Ledger. He has been saying this since May.
    Paul said two apartments had “leaks” from recent rainfall.
    The tenant in 5 H spoke up and said her apartment was flooded under window which is in the east side. She used 4 huge beach towels to soak water, wringed them out, dried them, soaked up the carpet again. Here it is Wednesday.
    The carpet is still wet. Paul said to ask Mike for a dryer fan.
    As of today no dryer fan. I am concerned this woman is going to have mold.. not safe or healthy environment.


    Tenant brought up man who is not supposed to be living here climbed the scaffolding, pushed in the screen to get into apartment 3H where his girlfriend lives.
    Tenant said she is concerned for her safety as well as other tenants.
    Paul commented he is waiting for police report. Said he doesn’t know what we can do as there is no option to proceed! #1. The man was trespassing #2. Entering an apartment#3. He is NOT supposed to be in this building!

    The tenant in 3H should be evicted..that’ll solve the problem.

    On a positive note…Maria Rondinaro Boro Council Liason to BHA shared information about free transportation called HOP for anyone 60 yrs +
    provided by Office of Aging. One request per week.

    Letting you know what is going on behind these walls!

  2. I think the Mayor should step up and provide solutions. For years he had something to say about the way everything in the Borough was handled by prior administrations, however, what has he actually accomplished? Why isn’t he taking actions and steps so we can see results and resolutions to on going problems. This is a great example the loudest person is not always the smartest and most qualified for the job. I wish he would do something or accomplish something, and I don’t mean a piano.

    1. He won’t do anything about anything. Why would he? He has no real interest in Belmar. He allows his business administrator to completely ignore emails. It’s been brought up at meetings, and it’s still happening. He and his BA have no respect for the residents. I truly regret my vote, and can’t wait until he and his people are gone.

    2. The BHA building does not belong to Belmar, I believe it is operated by US Housing and Urban Development. When has the federal government moved fast on anything? I do wonder who has the power to remove Mr. DeSantis from his position though. (Deleted by Editor.)

    3. It’s not under the Mayors purview. The last mayor didn’t ‘step up’ during his administration. I’m sure you complained about it then too, right?
      Otherwise you would be a hypocrite.

  3. As always, thank you Missy Manley for all of the information you provide, it is very much appreciated. Special thanks for going out of your way to directly contact Kearny Bank.

  4. I thought Ms Rondinaro provided regular updates each meeting? Things were going well I thought?

    Maybe just a bullet point instead.

    1. The BHA meeting was on October 3rd. The next council meeting isn’t until the 10th. I’m sure you’ll hear her report. She also gave updates at the last council meeting on Sept. 26th.

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