
  1. Great job by the zoning / planning boards!

    Maybe this admin will learn!

    Can’t wait for the Belmar Inn appeal to go the same way.

    The angry mob may influence the uneducated, but is not going to beat the legal system.

    1. So being against that ridiculously obnoxious box shaped, over sized building in the middle of a residential neighborhood is uneducated? Is it Opposite Day? Believe it or not, it is possible to be for one project and not the other. And, for your information, the Belmar Inn approval process actually DID defeat the legal system. The developer used the government to circumvent dozens of local building ordinances in order to reward a property owner who continually broke the law.
      So, to break it down for you, being for the Belmar Inn project is not only flouting the legal system, it is also uneducated.
      Hope that helps.

      1. 3-0

        Another loss for the angry mob.

        Make way for the excavator bye bye Belmar Inn.

        God Bless America and the legal system again!

        1. Mr Freeman
          While you seem to be enjoying the recreational legalization of marijuana, the fog that has settled in is affecting you ability to think. So you’re clear:

          A) this has nothing to do with God
          B) These approvals are actually an affront to the legal system
          C) the America I live in doesn’t celebrate the government influencing the free markets.

          You seem to be all turned around. I’m not telling you you’re not allowed to be a socialist, but don’t try to disguise it as some perversion of patriotism.

  2. Congratulations to Mr Merkler. Those townhouses will beatify that area. I wish I could afford one. Lol.

    1. Katrina:

      The North End already has sainthood as opposed to the rest of Belmar according to the folks who live there, but I’m sure Mr. Merkler’s project will beautify that lot at least. 😉

      1. They way it looks now, a dumpster fire would beautify that lot. Thank goodness it can get cleared out now. Can’t imagine what manner of critters have made it their home.

  3. More luxury housing the average Belmartian can’t afford. Pretty soon the town will be nothing but second homes and Air BNBs.

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