
  1. Does the 5 minute rule apply to council members as well.
    Can’t wait to see how this gets abused. (Deleted by Editor.)

  2. Where was the justification for raising beach badge fees? Badge fees cannot be raised just because neighboring towns raised their fees.
    State law requires Shore towns to operate the beach as a utility and beach fees are used to cover beach expenses.
    If expenses exceed beach revenue an increase of beach fees are needed to balance the utility budget.
    There hasn’t been any report of 2023 beach revenues and beach expenses as required to justify increased fees. I’m sure the information is available but wasn’t presented before the vote on the Ordinance.

    1. As Joe. B. harps on companies for raising their prices, he fails to rein in needless spending by government entities. Just take a quick look in the Public Notice section at the end of the newspapers to see towns throughout NJ raising fees on EVERYTHING. It’s a deceitful way of raising revenue without calling it “raising taxes”. Bidenomics at its finest. What I do know is that I’m a lot poorer since Joe B’s been in office.

      1. My taxes went up under Trump.
        Yes, post Covid inflation is painful but that began under Trump. Just like it began under Carter in the ‘70s and continued under Reagan. No one blamed Reagan for it.
        The economy Is strong. Jobless rate is low. Gas is now under $3 a gallon.
        There was a lot of blaming Biden for high gas prices last year. Does he get the credit for lower gas prices? Or is he only responsible when they’re high. Probably only gets the blame when gas is expensive.
        We live in a world of ******.
        (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

          1. Hahaha. Like I said, we live in a world of ****** (I’ll do the asterisks myself. It’s another word for ‘not smart’)

            You actually believe that the president of the US has control over global oil prices. How is it possible to be that ignorant. Not to mention the fact that the election is 11 months from now. If you could wave a magic wand to lower gas prices, you’d do it in Sept. right before the general election. I can’t believe I have to explain this to a grown up.
            I’m telling you, this country just gets dumber and dumber.

        1. HAHAHA. My taxes went up also because of Trump. That’s because under Trump the economy was booming and I was making more money. My TAX RATE went down. You are such a play on words it makes me vomit. Gas is still a lot higher that when Trump was in Office. The prices in the supermarket caused by Joe will NEVER come down. Yes the cost of the price of gas going thru the roof is directly because of Jackasp Joe B. He killed the pipeline. His #1 goal was to destroy the petrochemical industry. He said it. He manipulated the price of gas by raiding the Strategic Oil Reserves. We are tired of your deceitful posts. We got your number Msr. 30k drunk driving deaths per year?????? Wrong again.

          1. Um, what?
            My property taxes went up under Trump *****. He screwed over NJ because he lost the state. Capped property tax deduction at 10k. So NJ residents couldn’t deduct our full property taxes. You’re not very smart are you. I wasn’t making more under Trump. And neither were you. And no, the economy was not better under Trump. I mean there was Covid but I don’t blame him for that. But the economy is better right now.
            I’ll say this again but slowly…
            No president ever in the history of this nation has the power to control gas prices. Oil prices are controlled by the free market. The GLOBAL MARKET. Period. You do not want to live in a capitalist society where a politician can control gas prices. They weren’t low because of Trump, they aren’t high because of Biden. How is it that you don’t know that?
            One person every 37 minutes dies from drunk driving related crashes. 13k – 15k per year. Are you still mad that your ridiculous fentanyl proclamation was proven wrong?
            Get over it already. People exaggerate, you’re not alone.

    2. The beach utility pays hundreds of workers including police, lifeguards, ems, ticket takers, public works. They dispose of tons of trash and use millions of gallons of water and treat incredible amounts of sewage. All on a one mile beach.

  3. Ms. Sharkus raises some legitimate concerns and I thank her for that. Regarding the bathrooms. I understand that the 3rd and 6th Ave bathrooms are not coming back. I believe there were 5 or 6 stalls plus washing sinks in the 3rd Ave ladies bathroom and at least 3 stalls plus urinals and washing sinks in the men’s. I assume the same for the 6th Ave bathroom.
    Does that mean there will be 10 or 12 ladies stalls plus sinks and at least 6 stalls plus sinks in the new Taylor Pavilion bathroom. Having to walk from 2nd Ave beach where I sit all the way to Taylor to go to the bathroom is tough on someone my age. My friends and family may have to find another beach. Sad because I always loved Belmar.

    1. Well it cost 4 million to build (it shows, the linoleum floors and the left over boardwalk plank railings are so high end) and the only thing the citizens of Belmar can use it for is the bathrooms. Seems par for the course in this town. It may be the only community center on the planet that is never available to the community.

    2. It’s always been a toilet. It was a shabby build from the beginning. Water lines in the ceiling that burst every year, sewer line runs above ground and freezes, bad windows and doors. A complete rip off. It should have been put back the way it was.

  4. All of these decisions seem to be unilateral decisions made behind the scenes. i.e. is it the Mayor’s sole decision what to do with the new proposed first/aid/fire station on 12th and Main? I don’t recall any other uses being put to vote by rest of council. Same for Taylor Pavilion. There will be expenses associated with turning that space into bathrooms as well as potential lost revenue of the concession that will be eliminated. Who voted to do this and were any cost calculations part of the decision?

    1. Taylor pavilion and the Public Safety building are a disaster. The builder did whatever they wanted. Lots of cut corners and inferior Material like windows and doors. There was no competition in the bidding. Both buildings and the boardwalk went to a hand picked contractor.
      12 and main is whole different issue. NOBODY buys a property that’s contaminated unless of course you want to get your inlaws out from under a nightmare property. The appraiser should be held accountable for his less than honest evaluation.

      1. 12th & Main is a good property for below grade building construction … excavation of soils … then trucked away from Belmar.

        A good Public Safety Building has space below grade for rad protection.

        1. It will cost more than 300k to remediate that property. If the contamination is under any of the contiguous properties that will be a huge problem.
          Besides that it’s a horrible location for a firehouse. Go observe that intersection on a school day. It’s a recipe for disaster.

  5. Jerry doesn’t know anything about anything. Terrible leader.
    Regarding the bathrooms. The previous administration would have told the DEP to sue us, we are providing bathrooms to the thousands of people that visit our beaches and the 3rd and 6th ave bathrooms will stay

    1. Um, anytime Belmar has anyone sue us, we lose. I don’t think that’s a viable option. We broke DEP rules and we have to deal with it.
      Maybe less bathrooms will mean less tourists. Which is fine by me. I know the local businesses rely on summer dollars but there will still be plenty of bennys willing to part with their money. A few less people crowding the town in the summer would be a good thing.

  6. Spring Lake seems to get along fine with bathrooms at their pavilions only, none of this bathrooms every few blocks, and their beach is twice as long as ours. Isn’t everyone always screaming that we need to be more like them? And their badges are incredibly expensive, but people pay.

    As for Taylor, much nicer homes have been built for far less than $4 million. Ones with flooring that doesn’t peel and doors that actually work, and the plumbing doesn’t freeze in the winter. It has probably cost just as much to fix all of its issues than it did to build.

      1. Again, that’s a good thing. How much do we spend a summer to clean the beach? Garbage is piled up and blowing all over the place. No coolers, no food. You don’t like it? Tough. Blame the people that leave their trash where the sit. You want something to eat, take a walk and get yourself something or go access the cooler you left in your car.

    1. Gee. I wonder who was Mayor when that was built? So far he’s cost us close to $10 million in junk and lawsuits. And our Gov. rewarded him with a $200k no show job that he failed at. Who says ***** doesn’t pay? Oh, and I don’t live on Inlet Terr.

      (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

    2. The Taylor pavilion was a scam from the start. And when I say start, I mean as soon as Doherty unilaterally decided to raze the old Taylor pavilion after Sandy.
      The building that’s there currently would cost about 1.5 million if done as a private home. The money was pay back for political donations. There were a significant amount of people in town that rallied for the new pavilion. They were warned repeatedly by skeptics (like me) and acted as Matt’s cheerleaders anyway. They are just as culpable. We had a vote to stop the process and put it on the ballot, but Doherty found a way around that. That building is a testament to graft and corruption and if I was a member of the Taylor family, I’d want the name removed.

  7. Remember the original amount floated by Mcdirty and Cooleen was 7.1 MILLION. Then there was the Maggie connected ASHBRITT, CONTE, FERRARA, MASER crew, you name it and you have to know that Belmar lost big time. Wouldn’t you be surprised when and if FEMA, Et Als, Claws back the money they, the U.S. TAXPAYER and Belmar eventually paid for the benefit of the bent noses

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