
  1. Belmar taxpayers, you can thank Dirty Doherty and Dirty Drew Huisman for this. Huisman was the detective assigned to do the liquor license transfer and buried it because of Dirty Doherty trying to get his friends in! How many millions did Doherty and Huisman cost the taxpayers of this town. Sickening!!

    1. It’s beyond me how Doherty and Huisman can show their faces around this town. Huisman robbed the taxpayers of hood dollars with his self serving overtime as “acting police chief“ among other things. Doherty is just a ***** ****.
      Tell Huisman to stay out of Belmar and stop coming over to our DPW for favors all the time!

  2. A lot of blame also belongs to two council woman who went along with Doherty’s plan and voted no to the transfer, I have absolutely no respect for what they did to the Harmon brothers, their families and future employees.

    1. This is all very bad, but the Harmons aren’t saints. They treated Belmar poorly for years. Doherty is a horrible person and a corrupt politician. The Harmons used Belmar and gave nothing back. There are no winners in this battle.

      1. According to what Brian said before he voted, the Harmons donated tens of thousands of dollars to Belmar Recreation over the years.

        1. I’d like to see the receipts. They weren’t the best stewards of Belmar.
          D’Jais donates a lot of money to the town too, but I certainly wouldn’t miss them.

      2. I agree. And this is a lottery win for them and their attorney. The business could have opened and failed, let’s face it the Boathouse isn’t looking like its doing too good for the past ten years. And on top of it this location was only leased to them to start Salt for a limited period of time as it was part of a parcel that the owner of the parcel (harmon’s landlord) had/has intentions to develop. This site was never going to be a ten year plus run for them. They made more money suing Belmar then they would have versus opening and running a business that they would have likely failed at. Such a shame.

        1. That property was to be developed for the past 15 years. So far nothing! They got screwed for not playing ball .
          Belmar allowed them to build and then refused to let them use their license. It was absolutely political. The last administration did the same thing. Another lawsuit is in the works.

        2. That business was a home run. They were going to sell alcohol in the drinking capital of Monmouth County. Probably would have still been there. Lots of developers but no action. How many renderings have we seen. Condos on the water, a ferry boat to NY and on and on. All BS. The Harmons got burned by a less than honorable council and police chief.

      3. There is a list a mile long of folks who used belmar and gave nothing back. They just all happened to be on the same team. They were all rewarded for their efforts.

  3. (Deleted by Editor.)
    There is no end to the amount of money that flunky has cost this town. From the fraudulent pavilion to this latest boondoggle. How does he sleep?

    1. How does he sleep you ask? On his back, in a bed on the third floor of his mansion on Inlet Terr. where Corey Booker once visited, paid for by you and me. Politicians need to be held personally accountable for their sins in a court of law. Not the people they serve.

      1. Amen. But that means ALL politicians. Not just the ones on the side you don’t vote for.
        The only difference between Trump and Biden is their three year age difference. Please don’t make us choose between those two old crooks.

          1. If you believe that all politicians that break the law should be punished, then you believe all politicians that break the law should be punished. If you don’t think certain ones should be punished, then you are a blatant hypocrite who has no credibility. My guess is that you are ok with that. Which is the prerogative of the simpleton.

  4. Belmar started with a nice beach and ended with an attorney sandbox … how much insurance deductible and legal fees will Belmar taxpayers be on the hook for?

  5. I read the Coast Star article today about this lawsuit. It amazes me, or maybe it doesn’t, that the same players are always involved. Matt Doherty, Colleen Connolly, Drew Huisman, Bob Poff, etc.
    I so wish that they could be held financially responsible to pay awards. I know they say insurance is covering it but in the end the taxpayers will pay through increased insurance premiums, etc., etc., etc.

    1. And don’t forget ex police chief Tom Palmisano who was also named in the Coast Star article. (Deleted by Editor.)

    1. Matt Doherty was voted into power. Can’t really blame Ken for that. Plus Ken was the biggest thorn in Matt’s side during his reign in Belmar.
      That’d be like blaming the producers of the apprentice for Trump being president. Sure it gave some name recognition to someone who was, at the time, nothing but a failed steak salesmen joke, but the people voted.

  6. KJP fought tooth and nail to save Belmar from McDirty! He loves this town. We learned to join together to fight for the real Belmar not Mcdirtyville

  7. No matter how bad Doherty continues to screw the taxpayers of Belmar, Jerry continues to give him everything he wants. A ridiculous stop sign in front of his house on Inlet Terrace , the Taylor Pavilion for $1. What’s next Jerry?

    1. regarding the stop sign…
      the good – all the curb is painted yellow … no street parking in front of house.
      the bad – the house occupant won’t get T-boned backing out of the driveway.

      1. That’s one of the stupidest stop signs I’ve ever seen. At a T intersection on one of the quietest streets in town! Enough already with the political patronage

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