We finally agree on something. Mr Trump was a Democrat all his life then switched to the Republican Party. I too believe that is nothing but opportunism with zero commitment to the cause.
It is always a win when people can find common ground.
Who? Tammy Murphy? Or Maggie Moran? Or Biden? Or Trump?
You have to be more specific when pointing out opportunism in politics. Show me a politician, and I’ll show you an opportunist.
Not sure who that is.
But a president with a similar name entered office during the biggest recession this country has seen in generations. He left office 8 years later with record economic growth, a shrinking deficit, and low unemployment numbers.
You can bitch and moan all you want about those facts. But, unfortunately for you, they are facts. Oh and another interesting fact about him was he may have been the first president ever (literally before or since) who’s family had no scandals or criminal charges or infidelity.
I know that the new modern Republican Party (some of it anyway) worships criminal behavior, sexual misconduct, and infidelity. But it never used to be that way. Weird.
Anywho, have yourself a Merry Christmas. And remember who we’re celebrating on 12/25. And think about His teachings and how anathema it is to the hatred spewed by certain politicians and pundits. Perhaps you can read the classic ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Dickens. It may help you, if you know what I mean.
Lastly, only one modern president has openly expressed a rather disturbing affection for Vladimir Putin; a man who actually is a ‘commie’.
You are a liar. Obamamanamaaa was the worst president right behind Joe B. He, Obamamanmaa hates whites, Christians, people who work hard and have money. He is a true Racist. Sure, economy was good. Gvt giving away free money. Now inflation. Probably for the rest of my lonely life.
Well the “lonely” part is starting to come in to focus. I’m a ‘liar’? He ‘hates’ whites huh? Seriously? Well, I’m white and he doesn’t hate me. So Obama gave away ‘free money’ (not sure what that means as the deficit actually began to reduce during his presidency) which caused inflation? I hate to be the one to break this to you but there was a president between Obama and Biden. Was he not able to solve this alleged problem in his four years? Don’t answer. It’s ok, you have clearly checked out of the real world and into some sort of fantastical racist bitter land of ignorance.
You are almost comically angry. I said this in my last post jokingly, but now I’m serious. You need to read ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. If you’re not into reading (something tells me you are not), there were several movies made. It is a story of redemption. It’s also about the corrosive effects of avarice, greed, hatred, and fear can have on the individual in particular and society in general. Old Ebenezer gets a second chance. He gets so see how his anger and bitterness have affected his past, present, and future. As well as those around him. Which led to his being alone.
There is still hope for you.
Merry Christmas.
“He is a true Racist.”
Sir, I don’t think it is nice to steryotype all racists as bad people. There are many fine, wonderful sweet racists in this world. They can’t help a genetic predisposition toward racism. If there has to be blame, then it was nature who is to blame.
Take care sir and have a Merry Christmas.
Ah and there it is. Condoning racism. Classic Dilberger.
It is well established science that racism is a learned behavior. It is all nurture, no nature. There is no such thing as a genetic predisposition to racism. Which is unfortunate because if there was, we could develop a pill to cure it. Your attempt to excuse your racism as something beyond your control would be adorable if it wasn’t so disturbing. It is a very ‘pass the buck’ attitude. An ‘it’s not my fault’ excuse. But you know as well as I do that people learn to be racist. You also know that we can choose to not be racist. You just don’t feel like doing the work.
Sir, respectfully, I disagree. The idea I put forward is proven throughout history. Such men as Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Dr. James Watson, etc. were wonderful men and have contributed much worthwhile progress to humanity, thus proving my point that there are many different type of racist in this world. Two of the above mentioned men are/were Nobel prize winners. Just like they were given excellent brains, they were given the predisposition to be of the racialist mindset. Sir, respectfully, you don’t seem to be able to look at things in any depth. Possibly, you should work on that.
Mr D
That actually just proves my point. Gandhi and Schweitzer didn’t have some racist leanings due to their genetic makeup. They had those points of view from their experiences. In other words, nurture. None of us are born racist. Not even you. While it is scientifically shown now that we have many attributes that are hidden in our genetic code (early risers, addiction, homosexuality, intelligence , etc) there is no racist gene. Racism is learned behavior that is possible (and rather easy) to reverse (unlike say, homosexuality).
I get that if you are a racist, it would be great to believe that you were just made that way. You could relinquish responsibility for your behavior. But that’s a cop out. Perhaps if you yourself had the ability to look within and see how destructive conscious and unconscious racism and biases can be, you would do something about it. And the good news is that you can. It just takes a depth of thinking and a realization that racism is objectively bad. Maybe you should work on that.
Merry Christmas Mr D and may you always strive to be better.
Sir, so you’re saying that racialists like Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Dr. James Watson learned to be racialists?
Well, I’ll give you that. It would seem many people fall under your definition of the word “racist” (the word racist seems so crass – the racists I know prefer to be called racialists). Also some other esteemed personages such as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Andrew Jackson have been know to have racialist opinions, learned or otherwise. Sir, you always seem to base your argumentation on trivialities to take the focus off the fact you have no side in the discussion (what do you say of the men I’ve mentioned?). Take care sir and have a Merry Christmas.
There’s no hope for you. Obamamama gave Solyndra $$$ (ours) and they went bankrupt. Damn liberal liar you are.
The US government backed Solyndra. That money wasn’t given ‘by Obama’ and it was in the form of loans. Something the US government does with extreme frequency regardless of who’s in the WH. And if you take umbrage with the government backing companies that go bankrupt, then you have a very long list of presidents to be upset with. Not the least of which was Yellow Trucking firm that got over $700 million (ours) from the Trump administration and then, you guessed it, went bankrupt. I know I know, when Trump himself goes bankrupt or gives tax dollars to a company they goes bankrupt, it’s fine. There there my little man, it’s all gonna be ok.
Ya see, you are a classic hypocrite. You call me a liar because you’re angry that you are almost always wrong. Your anger blinds you to truth and you are so fixed in your hatred, that you are literally incapable of accepting actual facts. It’s a psychological condition based on fear, anger, gullibility, and stubbornness.
Obamamama touted this so called loan. The government has no business of being in that business. Solyndra was Obamamama’s pet project. Prove that Trump made the charge to loan that co. money. The Democrats are the enemy.
This one was a doozy. The Pentagon was against the loan to Yellow but Trump officials pushed it through, working behind the scenes with Yellow lobbyists (you know, swamp dwellers). They defaulted on the $700 million. Yes, that’s our tax dollars.
I still can’t believe you never get tired of being wrong. I mean I never get tired of you being wrong, but you must get embarrassed at some point.
I’m hopeful that as I keep destroying your ridiculous arguments, the thick but fragile shell of ignorance that surrounds you will begin to crack.
Like I said, there is still hope for you.
“Being wrong”. You love to AI and TikTok to find wrongs in what others may believe but when it comes to your stretched figures (30k drunk driving deaths a year) you shrug it off as the truth. A true hypocrate. Stop belittling others. Merry Christmas.
Haha. Mr Anon you are like a bad penny. I’ll try this again: you said “more people die from fentanyl in one week than die each year from drunk driving”. That is wildly inaccurate. Or, in other words, a lie. You know it’s a lie, and I know it’s a lie. I pointed out that 15-16 thousand people die each year from drunk driving accidents and about 1200 people die each week from fentanyl. If you have trouble with math, it just means that your assertion is off by a factor of 10x. You can cry and tantrum all you like but those are stats from law enforcement.
As for the ‘love to AI and Ticktock’, I don’t know what that means so I’m assuming it’s meant for someone else, or you’re having some kind of episode that’s none of my business.
Merry Christmas my angry little friend. I truly hope you find peace.
Gentlemen, you’re always touting that outdated malarkey. The fact is Democracy is dead and two characters like o’bama & trump don’t mean squat. The next stop is *********. Pick your side and win or lose with it. Take care and have a Merry Christmas.
You not voting is a very very good thing. Keep it up.
New Jersey’s proximity to New York City and Philadelphia makes it desirable, but it comes with financial challenges. High property taxes, expensive housing, and elevated living costs can burden residents. However . Merry Christmas to all. Including liberal Demorats
Shes an opportunist. Zero commitments to a cause.
We finally agree on something. Mr Trump was a Democrat all his life then switched to the Republican Party. I too believe that is nothing but opportunism with zero commitment to the cause.
It is always a win when people can find common ground.
Who? Tammy Murphy? Or Maggie Moran? Or Biden? Or Trump?
You have to be more specific when pointing out opportunism in politics. Show me a politician, and I’ll show you an opportunist.
Tammy who?
and Donald was a life-long Democrat until he ran for President…
And Obamamamam is a commie
Not sure who that is.
But a president with a similar name entered office during the biggest recession this country has seen in generations. He left office 8 years later with record economic growth, a shrinking deficit, and low unemployment numbers.
You can bitch and moan all you want about those facts. But, unfortunately for you, they are facts. Oh and another interesting fact about him was he may have been the first president ever (literally before or since) who’s family had no scandals or criminal charges or infidelity.
I know that the new modern Republican Party (some of it anyway) worships criminal behavior, sexual misconduct, and infidelity. But it never used to be that way. Weird.
Anywho, have yourself a Merry Christmas. And remember who we’re celebrating on 12/25. And think about His teachings and how anathema it is to the hatred spewed by certain politicians and pundits. Perhaps you can read the classic ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Dickens. It may help you, if you know what I mean.
Lastly, only one modern president has openly expressed a rather disturbing affection for Vladimir Putin; a man who actually is a ‘commie’.
Take care my good man.
You are a liar. Obamamanamaaa was the worst president right behind Joe B. He, Obamamanmaa hates whites, Christians, people who work hard and have money. He is a true Racist. Sure, economy was good. Gvt giving away free money. Now inflation. Probably for the rest of my lonely life.
Well the “lonely” part is starting to come in to focus. I’m a ‘liar’? He ‘hates’ whites huh? Seriously? Well, I’m white and he doesn’t hate me. So Obama gave away ‘free money’ (not sure what that means as the deficit actually began to reduce during his presidency) which caused inflation? I hate to be the one to break this to you but there was a president between Obama and Biden. Was he not able to solve this alleged problem in his four years? Don’t answer. It’s ok, you have clearly checked out of the real world and into some sort of fantastical racist bitter land of ignorance.
You are almost comically angry. I said this in my last post jokingly, but now I’m serious. You need to read ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. If you’re not into reading (something tells me you are not), there were several movies made. It is a story of redemption. It’s also about the corrosive effects of avarice, greed, hatred, and fear can have on the individual in particular and society in general. Old Ebenezer gets a second chance. He gets so see how his anger and bitterness have affected his past, present, and future. As well as those around him. Which led to his being alone.
There is still hope for you.
Merry Christmas.
“He is a true Racist.”
Sir, I don’t think it is nice to steryotype all racists as bad people. There are many fine, wonderful sweet racists in this world. They can’t help a genetic predisposition toward racism. If there has to be blame, then it was nature who is to blame.
Take care sir and have a Merry Christmas.
Ah and there it is. Condoning racism. Classic Dilberger.
It is well established science that racism is a learned behavior. It is all nurture, no nature. There is no such thing as a genetic predisposition to racism. Which is unfortunate because if there was, we could develop a pill to cure it. Your attempt to excuse your racism as something beyond your control would be adorable if it wasn’t so disturbing. It is a very ‘pass the buck’ attitude. An ‘it’s not my fault’ excuse. But you know as well as I do that people learn to be racist. You also know that we can choose to not be racist. You just don’t feel like doing the work.
Sir, respectfully, I disagree. The idea I put forward is proven throughout history. Such men as Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Dr. James Watson, etc. were wonderful men and have contributed much worthwhile progress to humanity, thus proving my point that there are many different type of racist in this world. Two of the above mentioned men are/were Nobel prize winners. Just like they were given excellent brains, they were given the predisposition to be of the racialist mindset. Sir, respectfully, you don’t seem to be able to look at things in any depth. Possibly, you should work on that.
Mr D
That actually just proves my point. Gandhi and Schweitzer didn’t have some racist leanings due to their genetic makeup. They had those points of view from their experiences. In other words, nurture. None of us are born racist. Not even you. While it is scientifically shown now that we have many attributes that are hidden in our genetic code (early risers, addiction, homosexuality, intelligence , etc) there is no racist gene. Racism is learned behavior that is possible (and rather easy) to reverse (unlike say, homosexuality).
I get that if you are a racist, it would be great to believe that you were just made that way. You could relinquish responsibility for your behavior. But that’s a cop out. Perhaps if you yourself had the ability to look within and see how destructive conscious and unconscious racism and biases can be, you would do something about it. And the good news is that you can. It just takes a depth of thinking and a realization that racism is objectively bad. Maybe you should work on that.
Merry Christmas Mr D and may you always strive to be better.
Sir, so you’re saying that racialists like Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Dr. James Watson learned to be racialists?
Well, I’ll give you that. It would seem many people fall under your definition of the word “racist” (the word racist seems so crass – the racists I know prefer to be called racialists). Also some other esteemed personages such as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Andrew Jackson have been know to have racialist opinions, learned or otherwise. Sir, you always seem to base your argumentation on trivialities to take the focus off the fact you have no side in the discussion (what do you say of the men I’ve mentioned?). Take care sir and have a Merry Christmas.
There’s no hope for you. Obamamama gave Solyndra $$$ (ours) and they went bankrupt. Damn liberal liar you are.
The US government backed Solyndra. That money wasn’t given ‘by Obama’ and it was in the form of loans. Something the US government does with extreme frequency regardless of who’s in the WH. And if you take umbrage with the government backing companies that go bankrupt, then you have a very long list of presidents to be upset with. Not the least of which was Yellow Trucking firm that got over $700 million (ours) from the Trump administration and then, you guessed it, went bankrupt. I know I know, when Trump himself goes bankrupt or gives tax dollars to a company they goes bankrupt, it’s fine. There there my little man, it’s all gonna be ok.
Ya see, you are a classic hypocrite. You call me a liar because you’re angry that you are almost always wrong. Your anger blinds you to truth and you are so fixed in your hatred, that you are literally incapable of accepting actual facts. It’s a psychological condition based on fear, anger, gullibility, and stubbornness.
Obamamama touted this so called loan. The government has no business of being in that business. Solyndra was Obamamama’s pet project. Prove that Trump made the charge to loan that co. money. The Democrats are the enemy.
As you wish:
This one was a doozy. The Pentagon was against the loan to Yellow but Trump officials pushed it through, working behind the scenes with Yellow lobbyists (you know, swamp dwellers). They defaulted on the $700 million. Yes, that’s our tax dollars.
I still can’t believe you never get tired of being wrong. I mean I never get tired of you being wrong, but you must get embarrassed at some point.
I’m hopeful that as I keep destroying your ridiculous arguments, the thick but fragile shell of ignorance that surrounds you will begin to crack.
Like I said, there is still hope for you.
“Being wrong”. You love to AI and TikTok to find wrongs in what others may believe but when it comes to your stretched figures (30k drunk driving deaths a year) you shrug it off as the truth. A true hypocrate. Stop belittling others. Merry Christmas.
Haha. Mr Anon you are like a bad penny. I’ll try this again: you said “more people die from fentanyl in one week than die each year from drunk driving”. That is wildly inaccurate. Or, in other words, a lie. You know it’s a lie, and I know it’s a lie. I pointed out that 15-16 thousand people die each year from drunk driving accidents and about 1200 people die each week from fentanyl. If you have trouble with math, it just means that your assertion is off by a factor of 10x. You can cry and tantrum all you like but those are stats from law enforcement.
As for the ‘love to AI and Ticktock’, I don’t know what that means so I’m assuming it’s meant for someone else, or you’re having some kind of episode that’s none of my business.
Merry Christmas my angry little friend. I truly hope you find peace.
Gentlemen, you’re always touting that outdated malarkey. The fact is Democracy is dead and two characters like o’bama & trump don’t mean squat. The next stop is *********. Pick your side and win or lose with it. Take care and have a Merry Christmas.
You not voting is a very very good thing. Keep it up.
New Jersey’s proximity to New York City and Philadelphia makes it desirable, but it comes with financial challenges. High property taxes, expensive housing, and elevated living costs can burden residents. However . Merry Christmas to all. Including liberal Demorats
Actually agree with all of that.
Especially the ‘Merry Christmas to all’ part.
Even to the right wing *** ****.