
    1. “Offshore wind company Bluepoint Wind recently announced the winners of grants to further STEM education for 10 teachers from schools across New Jersey”

      OMG! Ten teachers in the entire state of NJ will receive $1000 each in grant money to for science, technology, engineering, and math. The world is ending! Those commie ******** are indoctrinating our poor poor children! Hahaha
      Dude, you are a modern chicken little. Lighten up.

        1. I’m assuming it’s been a long time since you’ve been in school, but science, technology, engineering, and math ARE part of ‘the basics’.
          Getting angry that 10 (10!) teachers in the entire state of NJ received grant money to teach STEM courses IS the diversion from reality.

          Now, you can go back to yelling at Bob Cratchit for using too much coal to heat his work space.

          1. You idiot. Kids scores are NOT improving. That stuff is BS. Feel good liberal BS. High School kids probably dont know date of Battle of Midway.

          2. I’m an idiot? I know projection when I read it. I never said that scores were ‘improving’. Do you just make stuff up or does your brain actually see words that aren’t there in order to, well, still be angry?
            I am/was making fun of you because you’re a grown man who literally gets angry at everything. This grant money is nothing to be angry about. Unlike you, I actually have school age children and I can honestly say that they are smarter than most adults I know. And yes, they learn all about WWII. Can they give the date of the battle of Midway? That I don’t know, but if I asked a group of random adults, I would guess none of them would.
            I won’t resort to calling you names because that is the what one does when losing an argument and grasping at straws. It’s a sign of the current trend among a certain type of political class that combines ignorance with arrogance.
            I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas Ebenezer. But something tells me you probably spent it yelling at your TV set.

    1. Teach them how to use a screwdriver. Lefty loosy. Free. Then they can teach their parents who don’t have a clue.

      1. So we’re mad at education now? There are vocational classes taught in HS. You can learn a trade in addition to basic education. Does that upset you? I would assume that would be a good thing. No?
        I’m telling you, it is impossible to predict what the ill informed will freak out about next. I don’t think we’ve ever had a generation of snowflakes quite like the current batch of whiners.

          1. What do you care? It’s grant money. Are you now telling private companies what they can or can’t do with their money? What are you, a communist?
            Dude this is America. Maybe ease up on the misplaced aggression.

      2. We’re getting college educated apprentices in our Ironworker apprentice classes who don’t know fractions. Where do you start with such people?

  1. Ok. Sure, people can do what they want with their $$. My comment the $$$ going to BS stuff. Every time you disagree you say it’s aggression. You are incompetent.

    1. People keep giving their money to Trump and I have no problem with it. I can’t think of a dumber thing to blow money on than paying for a millionaire’s legal defense, but if that’s what they want to do with their money, so be it. Why be angry about it? It’s actually kinda funny if you consider how stupid.
      In other words, chill out dude. You let everything upset you.

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