Belmar Council Meeting of March 16, 2021

Proposed Plan for Route 35


  1. IMO the current Democratic candidate and the former Democratic candidate are behaving more like hecklers than like loyal opposition.
    The non-candidate regular citizens presented themselves much better than the two Council wannabes.

  2. This is an insane development. There is no way Rt 35 can handle the traffic. It is already a nightmare trying to cross the street during the winter. School system will not be able to handle influx of new students.

  3. What happens now with 10th Avenue ? Since they built the 60 unit apt building, parking has become impossible and traffic by the bldg is awful.

  4. Does anyone know if they plan on paying regular property taxes or are they planning to ask for a PILOT?

  5. Why not condos !?!?- the tower of condos across from the marina is sold out!
    No more rentals and no tax abatements!!!

  6. Repettis own thst swath of property. They don’t need development pilot monies on already improved property. They do need to get rid of the druggies at their motel however.

  7. I agree with #1. The former Democratic Candidate would be well served by the old adage, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

  8. 13: Do you mean bean the one who was flailed his arms & muttering all the time should appear on zoom? Or maybe you and bean support the recurring bi-weekly, angry paper shuffler? The audio is enough at every Council meeting, let alone showing his face on as well. Maybe his handler, cherry will arrange it for him again.

  9. Ah, a deluge of I’m a marine for life everafter will counter #1 with its dying last breath is in store for our entertainment.

    Hire your vets, he’s coming right here on Sandy’s little blog

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