Not anything goes- these are pre-existing non-conforming multi family properties in existence before the zone change back in the 90’s/early 2000’s. So here is what can happen- people that have these properties can either- go to the board and update their homes and beautify the neighborhood asking for relief to continue to have what they already have which is a multi family in a single family (ie two family home) or they will simply let the property fall into disrepair and never modify/renovate to keep the multifamily status that they have. It’s not adding when you have it but because you have a non-confirming grandfathered in property you must automatically go to the board to do anything. I wish people would do their research and actually know the process or what goes on before they comment on things they don’t know or understand. Or better yet ask questions, read the applications, go to the meetings, instead of being haters.
Not one council member, or mayor, has any idea of what the impact would be on schools, health care, fire department etc. Keep building and adding on home additions. You do your research and let me know where the study is for such additions. I’m not a hater but a realist, knowing Belmar will be busting at the seams soon. (Deleted by Editor)
But 106 4th Ave is a single family house on a 5200 sqft lot where a typical SF lot is 7500 sqft. The addition of a 2nd floor garage apartment would only add another non-conforming condition. And would there be parking provided for the garage apartment?
In general, the direction for the Board of Adjustment should be to reduce non-comformities except that is not the norm today.
Sir, with all due respect, I disapprove at that remark.
Most of the haters I’ve known & still know are very nice, loving, sweet people. Even some of the haters I know who aren’t so nice are very tasteful when acting out their particular hatred. So, you shouldn’t stereotype all haters as bad. Go to some of their meetings and mingle with them. I’m sure you’ll find some very nice haters to have stimulating conversations with. Also, sir they’re a very diverse group. There are lawyers, clergymen, brain surgeons, carpenters, electricians, etc. I’m sure you can find a suitable niche for yourself with them. After the meeting, there are excellent pasties, cakes and cookies baked by the female women haters.
A new bill, S-2347, was advanced in Trenton earlier this year allowing homeowners to turn garages and basements into apartments. Municipalities would then have to pass ordinances adopting framework for allowing and regulating these units based on examples from the state. As far as I’m aware, it has not actually passed yet. So look for a lot more of these units to pop up if that legislation gets passed. The state will supersede local rules and everyone is then allowed to become a greedy landlord and/or new Airbnb owner. I do not believe they would be required to provide parking.
What’s with all these garage apts!!!! Thought we have ordinances against that?
Anything goes now. Anything.
Not anything goes- these are pre-existing non-conforming multi family properties in existence before the zone change back in the 90’s/early 2000’s. So here is what can happen- people that have these properties can either- go to the board and update their homes and beautify the neighborhood asking for relief to continue to have what they already have which is a multi family in a single family (ie two family home) or they will simply let the property fall into disrepair and never modify/renovate to keep the multifamily status that they have. It’s not adding when you have it but because you have a non-confirming grandfathered in property you must automatically go to the board to do anything. I wish people would do their research and actually know the process or what goes on before they comment on things they don’t know or understand. Or better yet ask questions, read the applications, go to the meetings, instead of being haters.
Not one council member, or mayor, has any idea of what the impact would be on schools, health care, fire department etc. Keep building and adding on home additions. You do your research and let me know where the study is for such additions. I’m not a hater but a realist, knowing Belmar will be busting at the seams soon. (Deleted by Editor)
But 106 4th Ave is a single family house on a 5200 sqft lot where a typical SF lot is 7500 sqft. The addition of a 2nd floor garage apartment would only add another non-conforming condition. And would there be parking provided for the garage apartment?
In general, the direction for the Board of Adjustment should be to reduce non-comformities except that is not the norm today.
“instead of being haters.”
Sir, with all due respect, I disapprove at that remark.
Most of the haters I’ve known & still know are very nice, loving, sweet people. Even some of the haters I know who aren’t so nice are very tasteful when acting out their particular hatred. So, you shouldn’t stereotype all haters as bad. Go to some of their meetings and mingle with them. I’m sure you’ll find some very nice haters to have stimulating conversations with. Also, sir they’re a very diverse group. There are lawyers, clergymen, brain surgeons, carpenters, electricians, etc. I’m sure you can find a suitable niche for yourself with them. After the meeting, there are excellent pasties, cakes and cookies baked by the female women haters.
A new bill, S-2347, was advanced in Trenton earlier this year allowing homeowners to turn garages and basements into apartments. Municipalities would then have to pass ordinances adopting framework for allowing and regulating these units based on examples from the state. As far as I’m aware, it has not actually passed yet. So look for a lot more of these units to pop up if that legislation gets passed. The state will supersede local rules and everyone is then allowed to become a greedy landlord and/or new Airbnb owner. I do not believe they would be required to provide parking.
Here is that proposed legislation –
So, are we for government mandating what we can do with our own home? Or are we against government mandating what we can do with our own home?
It is increasingly hard to keep up with republicans these days. The flip flopping is endless.
Q. if you put a bathroom in a garage … how do you keep it from freezing in the winter?
A. just add heat.
A2. Or turn off the water in the winter months.