
  1. Good luck to Mama’s. It would be nice to see a business stick at this location.
    Oddly, the new bathrooms at Taylor Pavillion are adding lots of traffic for Mama’s. Maybe that’s what that spot needed.

    1. And what exactly have you done to better our community? If you’re going to bad mouth someone you should have the courage to post your name!

      1. Are you mad that this person remained anonymous? Or mad that they ‘bad mouthed’ former mayor Doherty? I shouldn’t speak for this person but my guess is they would be afraid that there would be an expose’ written about them in the next tap into edition. A very real fear.
        As for what have they done to improve the town? From the tone of the post, they probably voted against Doherty (Doherty quit being mayor to pursue loftier, but ultimately failed, political aspirations so he technically didn’t get voted out), and that, well that was about the best thing any of us could done for this town. We are still paying the price for that nightmare administration and will be for some time, but he’s gone. And that’s a good thing.

  2. ….Getting back to Mama’s Meltdown,- I stopped in one morning last week. They have done a wonderful job creating a peaceful, comfortable eatery. The staff is pleasant and accommodating and the food GREAT!
    Best of Luck to Mama’s Meltdown!
    In fact, I’m going there tonight!

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