
  1. Great two letters unfortunately these liberals are ruining the state and the country. However let’s not forget the last administration increased the height of the area where the Mediterranean project is due to be built therefore both parties are not perfect if they care about Belmar. For example what’s wrong with telling developers you want to build in Belmar build condos not rentals and enough parking according to the ordinances. You want people to move here to take ownership and care about Belmar. In regards to Seniors they should be taken care of first because they have worked all their life and they don’t need to worry where they need to placed. They need to stay where they grew up around their families, friends and their familiar surroundings.

  2. Gotta put all those “newcomers” somewhere. Wait and see: bye bye single family house construction.

  3. Two good letters, but wasted because they’re dealing with many corrupt politicians, judges and legislators who just don’t care about the good of the state.
    There is only one answer now – change this form of government in any way you can.
    Thomas Jefferson said we should have a revolution every 20 years or so. Seems we haven’t had a revolution in more than 20 years.

  4. Both Letters are great and accurate.
    I agree with Senior. Buccafusco, Levis and Rondinaro need to go.

  5. Very informative letters.

    I have a question when is the Mayor going to stop blaming or trying to blame this on someone else and start sharing with the Belmar residents the proposed plans from these developers that he has reviewed and commented on since August of 2023?

    The hiding behind “litigation” is an excuse because he doesn’t want to talk about it. So instead of presentations and FAQs sheets (that are at times not even accurate as pointed out by prior Mayor Pringle at the Belmar Housing Authority Meeting) let’s see these projects, their designs, unit counts, parking, etc., this is what really matters to the community.

    Unfortunately it was clear from the mistakes in the FAQ’s sheet prepared by the professionals that Mayor B hired to start this litigation and handle same, is that they filed/initiated the lawsuit before actually knowing Belmar and the facts, and they had to play catch up, and they still are getting simple facts wrong and missing things. It would have been smarter to have your plan in place then move forward. How are they just finding out about a development that was supposed to have affordable units but doesn’t? Shouldn’t that have been in their count somehow? How are they posting that Belmar was paying into some other town, when that was wrong, published on a document prepared by the professionals being paid a lot of monies for their expertise in this area. These seem like basic things that should be easily determined and things that should be verified before publishing to the residents as facts.

    1. I have a feeling Levis has already clocked out. He doesn’t attend meetings much anymore.

      I don’t trust Buccafusco or Rondinaro. They ran a smear campaign. If they can’t get the facts right now they probably didn’t have them right then.

      Why do we have so many hot topics being covered up. This was the council of transparency.

      As a belmar resident I hope they succeed. I’m thinking I should start saving now for my future taxes.

  6. Another interesting thing is on the agenda for the Mayor and Council meeting tomorrow the resolution has them in an executive session to discuss the redevelopment pending litigation- and a workshop listed as development. Hopefully we will get more but I do not understand why there are no presentations to the public displaying the proposals on these projects. And our Planning Board, Technical Review Board and Zoning Boards are being completely disregarded. Hold on folks we are now in the hands of a Superior Court Judge to know what’s best for our small shore town. The purpose of those Boards is they are members of the community and live within the Borough so they have personal knowledge of the community of Belmar. Mayor B by filing this litigation so quickly has taken away the community input and suggestions. Not very transparent. At least even if you didn’t like other proposals from prior administrations they were done in front of the public at meetings where the community could put their input. This is the first Mayor that has taken that away from the Belmar Community.

    If you look at other actions in Monmouth County you will learn that one of the other few actions involves Freehold Borough where our BA is currently Mayor and started a similar process in Freehold Borough- by way of the same type of litigation. Ironically Leslie London, Esq., is representing Freehold Borough as of January 2023, and then was retained by Belmar Borough in February 2023 by Mayor B.

    Former Mayor Pringle said it best prior to this Mayor, Belmar was never threatened with Builder Remedy suits and he was speaking about his administration of at least 20 years, Doherty and Walsifer.

    An example of the truth in that statement is the fact that when the Walsifer Admin turned down Sackman’s proposal (St Rose Lot) Sackman filed suit against the Borough for a ruling on compliance of their plan with the zone. They were denied by Monmouth County, then the appellate division upheld the decision of the Walsifer Admin. However, Sackman’s attorneys notwithstanding filing suit NEVER BROUGHT A BUILDERS REMEDY ACTION AGAINST THE BORO, so if Belmar was under such threats wouldn’t that have been done by Sackman within the suit that they filed against the Borough about the parking calculations and interpretation of the zone compliance?????????? Now they are one of the projects that have intervened since Mayor B opened a door for them by filing this litigation- and you will note that more units are proposed now than Walsifer’s administration turned down.

    Councilwoman Donovan came into the picture after the start of this litigation, however, she was a big advocate about the Verizon towers and how that settlement was done without public knowledge. Mayor B made a lot of comments on how this was kept from the public and no one had knowledge as did Councilwoman Rondinaro and Councilman Levis- yet no one is sticking up for the residents to Mayor B and everyone on the council is being complicit in keeping this out of the public eye. If you think those Verizon towers are going to be big and an eyesore, what are you going to think about all these midrise apartment buildings?

  7. Interesting. I think that the first letter was written by someone who was on the Zoning Board when the Belmar Inn project was heard. At that time, the Zoning Board could have rejected the large 24 unit condo building with rooftop amenities (and no affordable housing units) and a parking garage on the first level that is open to surrounding neighbors, to avoid density issues that the surrounding neighbors were concerned about. Instead, they approved. And that was in the middle of a beach block. So, let’s not be hypocritical. The fact remains that our town, as well as every other, must deal with the affordable housing issue. There’s no great answer, but that doesn’t mean we can hide our heads in the sand.

    1. She was an alternate on the Zoning Board and did not vote on the Belmar Inn project- so maybe do some research on who voted before your call her out.

      1. Thanks, Anonymous.
        Yes, Overdevelopment??, I was an alternate on the zoning board and I had many comments and suggestions for that project in all of the meetings I attended. But I did not get to vote on it.

        1. @Annmarie sorry I wasnt trying to be disrespectful I know even as an alternate you were able to make comment, suggestions and plans. I was just trying to make sure people understood that you specifically did not vote on the project (its a public document on the Boroughs website ZBOA Meeting Minutes 7/28/22-

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