
  1. Why do we have to keep hiring additional attorneys for every little thing. Isn’t George McGill ********* ** ** ********??

    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  2. Everyone needs to show up and get real answers from the mayor on this mess he has set into motion. It’s time he stops hiding from the residents. This is on him he needs to be held accountable for his decisions and his lack of transparency. If he doesn’t have answers to questions he should be held accountable he has always had knowledge of this litigation as he started the suit. The residents are the ones in the dark for a year trying to play catch up and not having all the facts. Step up mayor, be transparent.

    1. The irony of asking for transparency when posting anonymously. Hope you went to the council meeting.

      1. Not technically irony. Irony would be if they asked for transparency from their local government but didn’t practice transparency themselves if they wound up as a representative of that same local government.
        Remaining anonymous as a civilian on a local blog while demanding transparency from your local government is just a case of freedom of expression.
        But I too hope they went to the meeting.

  3. A simple suggestion. Every Council Meeting’s agenda should include an Outstanding Action Items Section outlying every project including status of the property on Main/12th Ave, Piano, Mermaid etc. This will keep the public informed, and will eliminate questions.

  4. I see the Boathouse liquor license is being renewed. I thought Dirty Doherty wrote ** *** *** that it had been revoked?

    (Asterisks are mine, editor.)

    1. More “Fake News” from The Dirty One…
      It goes along with last month’s article where he stated that the administration refused to negotiate with his “non-profit” for an extension on the Taylor Pavilion concession stand.
      NAAAH!! It’s more like the residents- Republicans and Democrats- told the people who work for them after the $5 giveaway last year how it was gonna go the next time for about four consecutive council meetings after that dirty deal.
      You had to be there to watch Doherty standing there with his )!<& in his hand, long after he was outbid, expecting someone from the administration to interrupt the LEGAL process and explain to the other bidders that they were pushing out a non-profit for special needs children, or hoping some good Samaritan with deep pockets who still had faith in him would give him a friendly wink and nod and let him know, "Don't worry Matt; I gotcha covered for the balance." LOL He just couldn't sit down long after he turned pale and his wannabe hero's journey came to a crashing halt.
      But like all stories where everything works out in the end despite those that arrogantly throw around other peoples' donated monies and still come up over $30K short, the young men and women in need were gifted a year round location for free for two years where they will have consistency and more patient and local patrons to help their cause.

      1. Amen. Mr Doherty shouldn’t even be allowed within 500 of that pavilion. There should be a structural restraining order. The cheap pile of plastic and linoleum cost the tax payers $4 million. And to add insult to injury, we lease it to a private company. What used to be a lovely rustic community center that was always welcoming and took full advantage of the constant cross breezes is now a rest stop looking cheap ass plastic play house that is never open and wouldn’t know a cross breeze if it fell over it. A symbol of political ***** *** **********, the unwanted result of an unholy marriage between favoritism and naked political ambition.

  5. 5th Ave Pavilion Looks like a decrepit Empty Rest area on the Parkway. Send “Disgraced FREE out of your wallet, Mcdirty” a subscription to his media outlet outhouse.

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