The Bipartisan Advance Act

– Only Nuclear can Replace Fossil fuels –

The US Senate has passed the Advance Act,

The vote was 88-2, Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey voted NO

And then it passed the House of Representatives
And President Biden signed it.

Bill Gates’ company has already started. He has a Blog, too.

Even CNN knows that this is necessary and good


  1. Even CNN knows that this is necessary? What on earth does that mean? CNN is a news organization. They published an article on the bipartisan agreement. That is news. A similar article most likely appeared on the sites of many news organizations. CNN has never been sued over reporting fakes stories. CNN has never suffered an incredibly embarrassing court case only to admit they lied to their viewers and then settled for three quarters of a billion dollars.
    The article, like all ACTUAL news articles, simply gives the facts of the situation. The who what when and where. For those used to the NY Post or Fox News, you are most likely unfamiliar with actual news stories. You consume opinion that has been disguised as ‘news’. You’ve been programmed.
    Read the CNN article and perhaps learn what the news is supposed to be.

    1. Well firstly, I bet you watch Channel 7 ABC news(AKA Mainstream media) . Good for you. You are accustomed to be fed slanted stories along with their opinions and jibes. Unfortunately they do not broadcast ALL the news. Secondly, I suggest you Google “has CNN ever been sued for false ….”.
      Give me Walter Cronkite anyday, ie “A dog ran into the street and was hit by a car”, and let me form my own opinions on why or how it happened.

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