
  1. There were the renderings of the four projects. I don’t see it in the power point presentation. There is a longer version out there of the presentation that was presented last night?
    Thank you.

    (Please try it again, Editor.)

  2. Over 400 new units being built on properties that include the Waterview/Riverview property, St. Rose corner lot, Robin’s Nest and auto mechanic lots and a vacant building on tenth by Kayas Kitchen. That’s a lot of building !!

  3. The fact is the Jerry was in office 5 mins when he instigated this mess. Absolutely no transparency. The developers jumped at the chance to be interveners. They got everything they wanted and more. If you read the coast star article July 25th you see the numbers on paper and get to digest it thoroughly. It should make you sick. All that negotiation behind closed doors with no public input. Then whipped through at the meeting on Tuesday the 23. We saw the plans for 5 mins! Where was the pushback from the council? I don’t believe they even understood what happened or why. The resolutions passed under extreme pressure from the very expensive lawyers (600,000 up to March 2024, no idea how much more it will cost us the sucker taxpayers). All of the residents that voted for Jerry, Maria Rondinaro and Mark Levis were promised that they were going to stop or slow development. What an absolute farce. They did nothing but accelerate the building of high structures, increase density and give ridiculous 30 year PILOT programs that decrease the amount of taxes these developers will have pay!!!! All while increasing the population of Belmar by at least 800 people (at the low estimate side)
    Don’t let them fool you by telling you they “had to do it or face builder remedy lawsuits”. Please. Maybe we would have been sued. But one at a time could and should have been negotiated. Jerry set this all on speed dial because he thought he was smarter than everyone else. They should hang their heads in shame for being bamboozled by high priced attorneys and a mayor who ran on open transparent government and then once in office hides behind closed doors.

    1. This will create a domino effect. There is another project didn’t make the list in time. I may be wrong but the location is on 7th and River where the art place is. Did anybody confirm about this?
      Thank you

      (Thank you to this commenter for the meeting info, start listening at 1 minute 39 minutes.)

    2. Oh dear Katrina. You’re getting out of control again with the rhetoric and the outright misinformation and historical rewrites. You started two weeks ago with the B.$. and when I didn’t reply, you figured I was no longer keeping an eye on you. Well, the rumors of my disinterest were greatly exaggerated.

      Let’s clear a few things up for the folks here that aren’t wise to your scheme and haven’t been playing along for at least three decades like the true patriots and veterans in town that orchestrated the sweep of you and your cohorts in 2022. Yup, that happened and even though we were- and still are- Right Wing leaning haters of President Biden shortly after his monu”mentally challenged” botched withdrawal from Afghanistan which your running mates believed would propel you to victory- just as Colleen Palus who is managing the Roper-Robinson campaign mistakenly believes the hatred for Trump will propel her candidate to victory this November?!? Oh, those local party “power brokers” with no common sense who STILL don’t seem to realize that it’s Independents like me and those very willing to cross party lines at the local level that decide elections in Belmar; Not Presidents like Biden or Trump. Waking up doesn’t mean going ‘woke’, so one day please give it a try Katrina because watching you flail here and in the council meetings every half a year is not only laughable, but tiring to the MAJORITY in town that are in the know and not suffering from Stockholm Syndrome after being held hostage by their respective radical party idealogues for years. For those who aren’t familiar with Coleen Palus, she’s the Far Lefty who during this meeting and almost everyone she speaks at asks, “Do I have to give my address?”. (She’s embarrassed because she lives on Inlet Terrace and it doesn’t go along with her “I support and represent the weak, downtrodden, minorities, and LGBTQ community just like my candidates Kamala Harris and Senator Booker who we’ve entertained at Inlet Terrace fundraisers repeatedly over the years along with the Dohertys.”) No, of course you don’t have to give your address like the commoners because you’re so special and entitled. Why would the same rules apply to you as to all the other hardworking Belmartians?

      First of all Katrina, after Mark Walsifer became Mayor his administration proposed an 800 car parking garage and a ferry to Manhattan along with hundreds of units of rentals and condominiums, and a hotel in a two block area in The North End. This was after running on controlling development. It certainly drove up Real Estate values in town and caused a lot of Covid Babies from up north to relocate along with their attitudes and bad driving habits to Belmar.

      Then came The Mediterranean Project with illegal underground parking in a flood zone and the elimination of a public road and the west side of public parking for the Belmar Train Station (which isn’t even part of the three lot zone?!?), not to mention the height rezoning AFTER the proposal. Talk about an absolute farce!

      Jerry- and I give you credit here Katrina because you finally spelled his name correctly with a “J”; (Now you can work on spelling “D’Jais” correctly by autumn)- is a horrible verbal communicator as well as a listener. He gave away the Taylor Pavilion concessions to former Mayor Doherty after massive BIPARTISAN pushback, he lacks much of the transparency he promised, he’s not empathetic and can’t seem to align himself with the majority of the disagreeable that approach him with serious issues at meetings and frankly is arrogant and if he doesn’t change that, he’ll be a one termer in the eyes of dozens of swing voters I’ve talked to. You can’t say he wasn’t warned. As for you Katrina, you’re not a leader; You followed those who got it oh so wrong in 2022; Now you can’t seem to get out of the way, so here’s a message to those still supporting you… THE SINGLE REASON Belmar no longer has bathrooms on 3rd Avenue and the boardwalk and an additional perennial location is because of the Walsifer Administration’s Business Administrator’s malfeasance of renewing the PERPETUAL FIVE YEAR N.J. D.E.P. agreement while in the service of the residents. Once that renewal was not filed within the legal period, those bathrooms that were grandfathered into that agreement were disallowed. THAT is why we are where we are on the missing bathrooms. Now, can we all give this issue a “potty break” at future meetings? THAT is another reason our current Mayor is a poor communicator of the facts and of the history that plagued this town during the past two autocratic leadership cycles where Colleen Connelly and Ed Kirschenbaum had “all the answers” when the duty experts in town warned everyone what would happen if they continued to “go down the know-it-all road”. You were one of those who spoke out about this when the Democrats were in charge under Doherty, but you threw us to the wolves during Walsifer’s reign because you didn’t have the courage to tell your friends how it was gonna be if they kept up their malfeasance. McCracken, Kinney, Brennan, Palus and you put political parties and dinner parties ahead of facts and service to the community and it cost us then, and is continuing to cost us. Now however, instead of people telling me, “Joe, we’re all neighbors in such a small town, why do you have to go so hard on everyone; Why do that here in Belmar?”; I instead hear, “You figure they would understand we’re all neighbors in such a small town and stop with the political rhetoric that permeates the national scene and New Jersey; Why do they do that to Belmar?” This is the change the veterans, true patriots, Independents and swing voters knew would come and it’s finally here.
      Folks, if you don’t believe me or believe in Belmar’s Master Plan for redevelopment, then attend a few Zoning Board and Planning Board meetings and ask a few questions there to the many skilled, knowledgeable, fiscally conservative, and sensible volunteers and appointees who are working so very hard to unite this town through its growing pains. They’ll be happy to tell you the facts, explain the ordinances, and explode the many inconsistencies Katrina Clapsis ceaselessly spouts off. Those gatherings are far from the amateur hours that the Belmar Mayor and Council Meetings devolve into. I know because I attend most of them and I’m not running for office, don’t belong to a political party, and equally denounce the lack of facts regardless of what side of the aisle spews them.

    1. Another fake veteran who’s so proud of themselves and their service they won’t even put their name on it, with another one line reply. LOL! Grow a pair and enlist, you nameless, nasty civilian!
      The more pushback I get, the more I’ll go after Katrina so if you are reading this Ms. Clapsis, you better put the word out to your henchmen or suffer the consequences of the facts over and over again. You’re virtually unelectable in this town now for good reason. The passing of years won’t extinguish my pursuit of you and your nameless drones from ever regaining the influence you may have had over any reasonable resident of Belmar. Every time you and them see me in town and try to stare me down and I smile wryly in your faces, remember that fact!
      Your fake veteran buddy may be dozing off, but the majority of residents are now awakened to how the autocrats of Belmar on both sides of the aisle preyed upon the weak minded and uninformed for years to their financial benefit and career advancements. In fact, it’s probably the same individual that was telling the town that I never served and that I was only looking for a job within the Buccafusco Administration when their cronies were running for another term back in 2022. It had virtually nothing to do with service, selflessness, or patriotism as they proclaimed. It had everything to do with greed, power, and position.

        1. No. Because she supported behavior from her running mates and colleagues that for legal reasons The Blog won’t let me disclose here.
          Anyone is welcomed, as are you Richard, to approach me after any council meeting and I’ll give you all the gory details. I’m the informed vet who sits in the back row at every single meeting except for three in the past four years.
          Not the type like Colleen Palus who only show up for praise when her slide briefs are displayed or when her candidates get sworn in or Katrina who shows up to scorn hypocritically.
          Both are Echo Chamber Champions of Harris and Trump on the local scene and it’s disgusting. They vilify each other; I vilify both of them. That’s a win/win these days in Belmar party politics.

    2. I, sometimes, disagree with Mr McEvoy. But ‘Vet’ did you read what he wrote? If you’re gonna say it’s “zzzzz” then you at least need to read it. Refute what he says if you think it’s boring. Take a single paragraph or sentence for that matter and refute it. When you dismiss him without taking the time to read what he wrote, you literally prove his point. That this nation in general, and this town in particular, puts party over people. He is criticizing Katrina for what he sees as inaccuracies in her assertions. I’m not crazy about the way he goes after her or why he drags other people, who aren’t part of this particular discussion, into the insult blender; but he’s essentially right. The Doherty and the Walsifer admins were equally bad. And that’s saying something because the Doherty admin was a dumpster fire train wreck on acid. And he’s right that the two parties exploit the national divisiveness at their own peril. He is calling out those who caused some of the problems we currently face and shows, proves, that being blindly loyal to one party or another is, well, stupid. The only ones who benefit from having voters at each other’s throats based on phony ideological differences (nearly every voter wants the same thing for Belmar regardless of national stance), are the powerful who profit from the discord. Period. And we, not Mr McEvoy, fall for it every time.

      1. “Mr. McEvoy” is dead; I’m Joe. I’m a very kind and helping individual until people come after me personally after I warn them repeatedly not to start that hypocritical, party politicking **** with my town. Katrina actually called half a can of red spray paint an “act of violence”?!? WTF?!? I bet she doesn’t believe an AR-15 is an “assault weapon” but that can of red spray paint- that’s ‘danger close’. In fact, it rated satellite news van coverage a week before an election and a week after a shooting at Belmar Motor Lodge that was SQUASHED in the press. LOL!!
        MANY warned the current Belmar Mayor BEFORE his giveaway to Doherty what would happen. He had no excuse for what he did. If he said, “I worked so hard after three tries to get elected and I felt entitled because it’s my constituents favorite charity, and I promise to make it up to the town”, I wouldn’t go so hard on him. Four months in office and a giveaway to Doherty with the lamest of excuses after being warned by dozens on BOTH sides of the aisle after campaigning against cronyism?!?
        Now, most folks here won’t remember that in three years, or they never even learned of it until now, but most don’t know that the Biden Administration gives away between $44-$80 million per month to the Taliban government in Afghanistan. They just vote like their conditioned to, or like their Daddies voted, or on lack of historical facts like Richard does. It’s sad truly but then again, “Belmar is a microcosm of what goes on nationally.”

        First they laugh at you;
        Then they ignore you;
        Then they fight you:
        Then you win.
        Then if you’re someone who’s sick of it in your town; Never wants to see it happen again, and can do something about it. You rub their noses in it every time they step out of line and remind them you’re still watching their disgusting, hypocritical behavior and although you’re powerless about leaving Afghanistan the way the U.S.A. did, that type of ignorance, deceit, and half-a$$ery won’t fly in Belmar on your watch because that’s how towns lose their soul just as our country has. I do it for the men and women who were way better people than I’ll ever aspire to being who never came back alive from the GWOT. They’d have done the same for us and much more when confronted with the same situation.

        Hard times are coming for the world next year. No one thinks we can ever see massive civil unrest and violence in this country, but that’s where we’re headed. Folks like myself are the type who they line up and shoot in the streets. The ones in the sane middle. You’ll miss me when I’m gone and you have to deal with what remains. Good luck and stay close to a “big, tough, super vet” when it happens. I’m not one and never claimed to be. I’m the guy who cried while at the podium at a council meeting over a year ago and haven’t spoke at one since. Frankly, I’m just someone who got sick of watching the majority of hard working residents get lied to and $#!^ on by politicos who fancy themselves as pillars of the community and they are in fact at times like these- when approaching a national election- the complete opposite.

        1. The money the goes to Afghanistan from the US is from a pile of $7 billion in frozen Afghan assets in the US. That money is being dispersed back to the Afghan government. Yes the taliban Afghan government. But it’s Afghanistan’s money and it goes to various NGOs and PIOs to disperse it properly. I think that’s the money you’re referring to.
          Don’t get me wrong, the US has spent enough money in Afghanistan to end hunger and homelessness, but that blame can be spread from Bush to Biden and everyone in between.
          But the money you’re referring to is a redistribution of Afghanistan’s own money. I’m not sure how any of this relates to a Belmar NJ council meeting. But hey, all politics is local.

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