
  1. Important facts missing:
    1. According to The Fair Share Housing Act established apartments/condos must set aside 10% of units for affordable housing and newly constructed dwellings set aside 20% of units for affordable housing.
    The mayor’s proposal was for 24 units out of 50 units at BHA for affordable housing. That is close to 50% for affordable housing units at BHA.
    2. The state does the vetting process. There is no age restrictions .
    3. At a previous Belmar Council meeting, Mr. Joseph Baumann stated there is very little money in the Belmar Housing Trust Fund.
    4. If BHA acceped the mayor’s proposal for affordable housing, there would be an increase in tenants which would overload the electric, plumbing, generators, and elevator usage. Cost of maintaining the building would increase.
    Many of the seniors feel the mayor’s proposal was fast tracked to fulfill Belmar’s affordable housing obligations.
    There are many apartments/condos in Belmar that should have provided afforable housing units. The mayor’s proposal was a quick way to get as many units as possible.

    There are other resources other than the government to fund the facade. About a year ago I suggested to the BHA and Maria Rondinaro to apply for The Kearney Grant Foundation and other financial philanthropies.

    1. “Important facts missing:”
      Sir, well said, but what you didn’t put in is they’re going to do whatever they want (which is to make the BHA affordable housing and put in undesirables in the building), but some things take a little longer.

    2. Ironically named informed senior,
      Your ‘facts’ are literally recycling and redefining Mrs Buckley’s
      1- yes correct but that is a guideline. You can have higher percentages of affordable housing as long as it qualifies
      2-it’s already age restricted. Would you mind offering proof that it wouldn’t stay age restricted?
      3-this was an odd one to write as Mrs Buckley says literally the same thing in fact number 5.
      4- if the current tenants stayed, as Buckley points out, how would there be an increase in tenants? And if everything began to fall apart (electrical, elevator, plumbing, etc), which is all happening already, there would be more money to access to fix said problems. Literally the point of her letter.

      Yes, there SHOULD be many houses and condos in Belmar that helped meet the affordable housing demands. Unfortunately, there aren’t. You can thank some previous mayors for that fact.

      Lastly, while we should all applaud your tireless effort of “suggesting” things. If you read the letter, I’m guessing you skimmed, you’d see that Mrs Rondinaro DID secure a grant for $600k. It helped, but not enough according to Mrs Buckley.

      Mrs Nobody,
      Shark River Ave is up by Ocean Ave and First Ave in the apartment complex. That’s ok, there are a lot of streets in Belmar to keep track of. Once you’ve lived here a while, you’ll start to know them.

      Joe D,
      Once again your debating skills never cease to amaze. The way you break it down and respond with a thoughtful, lucid, counterpoint is something to behold. You have an uncanny ability to clearly articulate your vast well of ignorance. Bravo my dear friend, bravo.

      1. Omg! Too much know it all b.s. Very condenscending attitude… “Suggestion” .. I spoke with Meghan Perez , Manager at Kearney Bank.. asked about the Kearney Grant Foundation .. She emailed the information / application to Maria R. I shared the information with BHA.. I do not have the authority to apply for the grant..
        Stop making judgements
        You have no idea what goes on here!

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