
  1. The Gentlemen made a good presentation on the state of the marina fuel repairs ( a breath of freshair in the usual ****** that goes on the town meetings).
    After he finished, we got right back to the usual ******, in this case spending thousands of dollars (for some sort of construction on a seldom used ball field), brought up by one of the female women on the council.

      1. I do but I this project (throwing taxpayer money in the gutter no good reason) is proposed to spend money on a seldom used ballfield.
        There is also the point that there should be no organized
        girl’s sports in my opinion. (Deleted by Editor.)

        1. Ah, haha. Got it. The ball field is for girls, therefore, in your opinion, it’s unnecessary.

          Thankfully, for the rest of us with daughters or sisters or women in our lives that enjoy playing sports, your opinion is about as relevant as a discarded banana peel.

    1. A third world town? That’s a first. But I guess it’s better than a third world country. In a third world town you can just go to the next town over to p** or buy a slurpee or what ever it is you’re whining about.

    1. Haha true! Plus third world towns don’t sell 2 bedroom, 2 bath homes for 1.5 million dollars. I think “I have to go” is angry that there aren’t bathrooms on every block. But forgive him/her, probably just moved here and don’t remember when there were no bathrooms on third.

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