
  1. Funny no one is pointing out that if the Mayor didn’t start this affordable housing litigation and instead took the way of working with the developers on their projects (in the public eye- before the Boards filled with our residents) he could have worked to get affordable units in projects while the developers were required to pay the expenses and post a escrow account for the Boroughs professionals expenses, i.e. legal fees, boro engineering, etc.,, instead he helped the developers by starting the suit which puts the burden on the tax payers.

    1. Well when you run on, and get elected because of, curbing development, it’s not a great look to start working with developers. I think we’re all (the people that have had it with unchecked development) to blame.

    2. Anon … Correct! … another Declaratory Judgement path downside for Belmar is only 15% affordable housing units. A Builder’s Remedy path would yield 20% affordable housing units.

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