
  1. NJ is broke, the traffic is horrible, costs of housing is out of control, food is extremely high. And they spend time trying to get surfers and fishermen/ women on the beach for free. What a joke. Dopes. Help the average person.

    1. I’m truly amazed that you never get tired of complaining. It’s like watching an Olympic marathon swimmer.
      Bravo my perpetually angry friend, bravo.

  2. I have no problem with allowing surfers free beach access, as a life long resident of the Jersey shore I can’t even count how many times I have read in the paper or heard on the news about young and old surfers assisting swimmers in distress when lifeguards weren’t on duty and helping when on duty, that’s something you can’t put a price tag on.

  3. Surfers and fishermen already get on the beach without a badge. At least in Belmar, Spring Lake, Bradley, Asbury, Bay Head, Pt Pleasant, Mantaloking, Normandy, Lavalette, and Sea Side.
    The recent “not to be mentioned on this blog” incident in Belmar notwithstanding. No idea why that went down. Surf board or fishing pole gets you on the beach without a badge. Been that way for decades.

    1. What else is new, you are completely wrong. Surfers are required to have a badge in Belmar. Surfers have access to our clean beaches, clean restrooms, lifeguard protection, parking, etc.
      There is no way for anyone to monitor if a surfer goes in the water and leaves the beach when finished. What stops them from sitting on the beach, taking a nap, having something to eat between sessions. NJ has required badges for 90 years. It’s just the way it is.
      The incident in Belmar was unfortunate. The surfer could have been more cooperative and the special cop could have been less aggressive.

      1. I’m sorry to disappoint you but I have been surfing and fishing in Belmar for over 40 years. I have never, not once, been asked to show a badge while either surfing or fishing (the beach area by the pier allows fishing without a badge). I appreciate your ‘opinion’ but it’s simply not true. A surfer with a board and nothing else is likely not going to ‘take a nap’. There are designated surfing beaches in Belmar and Spring Lake and badges are not needed to access them. When the beach is open to surfing everywhere, like during rough surf, you can get on anywhere without a badge as long as you are surfing. The way it’s always been.

        1. Well Mr Science, the climate is changing. That is not in dispute. What IS in dispute, by armchair experts like you, is whether or not it is caused by man made Co2 emissions. And, since we know for a scientific fact that the one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms link wonderfully together to form a atmospheric layer creating a greenhouse effect (also not in dispute), climate scientists can say with certainty that, yes, the higher temperatures we experience are caused by Co2 emissions.
          But hey, I know you don’t like it. I know that it, for some reason, makes you angry (I’ll never understand why). So how about we try a different tact. Let’s talk about the money it costs to pay for the damage caused by natural disasters. If we can minimize the billions in tax dollars spent by taking preventive measures against floods, fires, and hurricanes, would that be ok? Would that not offend your delicate fragility? Money talks, right? If that’s the only way to help people like you get your head around this issue, so be it.

          1. The climate has been changing for millions of years. Cal China, India, Indonesia etc . Tell them not to use coal. The US has been doing more for the climate than anybody else. Natural disasters have always occurred and will continue to do so. Sorry. Now sit down and cry.

  4. This whole episode started with badge checkers complaining to police officers that surfers were crossing the sand dunes to access the beach.

    Disturbing the delineated Belmar sand dune habitat is subject to a $500 fine (posted) … Belmar action would be more defensible if a violation of “dune disturbance” were issued.

  5. So I guess we should all go buy a fishing pole or surfboard to bypass having to spend the money for a daily or seasonal badge.

    1. Do you think all the people with vehicle permits on Island Beach State Park are “actively fishing”? It’s been working for years!

    2. A season badge is $70. A used bottom of the barrel surf board would be at least $100. Go for it.

  6. Surfers have always been required to have a beach badge. Whether they choose to run across the dunes instead of entering at a gate or run by and totally blow off a gate attendant, or if attendant chooses not to get into an argument, they are still required to have a badge, as it should be.

  7. I have been going to the beach my whole life. I’ve had to buy a badge every year. Now I able to buy a senior badge. I may not have liked buying a badge every year, but I accepted it and never questioned it. The towns have a huge expense maintaining our beaches. Unless the state or county wants to start picking up the tab then I feel that EVERYONE should get a badge. That’s the way it is here.

    1. That’s the point. The state or county should pick up the tab. We’re the only coastal state in the union that requires beach badges (although there are beaches even in NJ that don’t require badges). It’s embarrassing. Every little town has their own separate badge and fee. It’s ridiculous. Imagine going to Florida or Hawaii or South Carolina or Cape Hatteras on vacation. You walk on the beach to look around, but a guy sitting in a little chair says ‘hey you gotta go down to that booth and buy wrist band and bring me back the little paper ticket so I know you didn’t get that wrist band from someone else who also paid but is leaving”. Um ok? But then you decide maybe you’ll go closer to that pier you see in the distance. So you hop in the car and drive closer and grab all you stuff and head back on to the beach. But there’s a different guy on a different chair who also asks for your badge. You show him the $12 wrist band you just bought and he says “nope, that’s the $12 wrist band from that other tiny town, this tiny town has a different wrist band and it’s $15”.
      Seriously, imagine that. We have, without question, the dumbest system known to man. Let the county take over and be done with it.

      1. Tiny. You’re so dumb. Why all theses teachers with administrators? Do all theses little towns need that over kill. Yes Because where else would they work. Its just more BS in NJ

        1. Yes I’m dumb. Let’s have a million police departments, a million street sweeping trucks, a million municipal courts, a million teachers with a million superintendents. And to top it all off, a million towns with a million different stupid little beach badges.
          It’s astounding what people will put up with and what they won’t.

      2. Yo Tiny. The county can’t keep the roads pot hole free and you want them to take care of our nice beaches?

  8. The pigs foul the beach after 5p leaving their detritus, including biological everything imaginable. Sure, ask your Government to clean the beach for MCDIRTY, FREE, FREE, FREE. Ignorance is bliss when it’s touted to be FREE, FREE, FREE

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