
    1. Local? You sure? If you were truly local, you’d know the nature of the relationship between Doherty and Pringle. Few Belmar residents fought against Matt and his deranged policies harder than Ken Pringle. And not just rhetoric. Mr Pringle used his legal knowledge and resources to stop some of Matt’s more frightening attempts at making Ocean Ave look like the Vegas strip.
      So, you may want to rethink your odd proclamation. An endorsement from Mr Pringle is a good thing.
      Mrs Roper-Robinson is a true local. Born and raised in this town with a loooong record of public service. Not only her but her whole family.
      You can vote for whomever you choose, but don’t call yourself a local if you don’t understand what Mr Pringle has done for this town. Or if you don’t know what kind of person Mrs Roper-Robinson is.

  1. Belmar Code Chapter 40 – 7.24 limits political signs to 1 per property lot … why are candidates selling more than 1 lawn sign to single property owners?

  2. All patriotic citizens should not vote in these dumb election scams. Democracy expired in our nation years ago.

  3. Amen Mr Creamer! The season of lawn signs sprouting like hideous weeds. Are there really people in this world whose vote is influenced by a lawn sign?? Of course not. No one is that dumb, right? I get it if you want the world to know who you support in the upcoming election, but, I hate to break it to you, the world doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ who you support.
    And there are lawns with like five signs. Sometimes all the same candidate.
    The town needs to start enforcing the ordinance. People will whine and scream about first amendment freedom of expression, but we have lots of ordinances, designed for aesthetics, that suppress expression. You’re not allowed to leave a rotting appliance on your front lawn either.

  4. Yes Mr Dilberger!
    I love love love that you show your true patriotism by not voting. The courage and conviction it takes is impressive. Please continue your work to get all the men and women who share your beliefs to also not vote.
    Thanks you!

    1. Sir, I take your post as sarcasm, but let me direct you to the post by”Signs signs everywhere are signs.” That guy wants to suppress the 1st Amendment.

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