
  1. I just read the Coast Star article about the Belmar First Aid closing. It seems to me that Frank Hines and his attorney Ken Pringle are on different pages as to the closure. Hines states, it’s sad, it didn’t have to happen the way it did, we were poorly treated. Pringle says, reasons for closing include age of members, retirement, relocation. Members expressed its become a business and not close knit that they loved. Rather than see the BFA lose its identity they decided to cease operations. The talking points are confusing.
    Then it says they are going to donate proceeds of its assets to benefit Belmar residents. If that’s the case, why didn’t they donate their ambulances instead of making the taxpayers pay $200,000?

  2. #1 Fran Hines and I are not at all on different pages. When I wrote my letter, the BFAS had already decided unanimously to cease operations. I made clear that the reasons I was giving were only “among” the members’ reasons for that decision. Raising the members’ other reasons at that point would have served only to generate controversy and make it more difficult to achieve a smooth transition, potentially putting the public’s safety at risk.

    The Borough paid $185,000.00 for two ambulances, a captain’s SUV, stretchers and other equipment and supplies. The Borough got a bargain. The amount it paid doesn’t even cover the balance on the mortgage the BFAS took out in 2019 to cover the cost of one of those ambulances and stretchers.

  3. #2 More legal mumbo jumbo. 185k or 200k they could have donated those rigs to the citizens of Belmar just like they are donating their big rescue truck for $1 to another town. They have sold lots of other equipment to go towards their mortgage not to mention the money they will get when they sell the property which will be way more than 250k. Unless you buy it for a better deal!

  4. There’s much more to be told about this story. The fact that Hines wouldn’t show the financial books speaks volumes. I feel the reason they went broke was because of his mismanagement to say the least.

  5. Now the worm has turned her sneaky head and reveals that it’s really a political gamble that he engaged in with people’s lives as their chips. Frank planned his move years ago. Who’s kidding who and who signed the checks and reviewed the invoices? Everyone who lives here, plus wanted the BFAS to stay. It appears that only two pd individuals dug in his and her heels refusing to be reasonable and allow the town to buy the BFAS. Frank Mihlon is spinning in his grave.

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